Are the CRA's required to provide a hard copy via mail of a person's updated credit report, when a dispute is filed? I submitted online disputes to all 3 CRA's back in the middle of March, but have yet to recieve a hard copy from any of them. In fact, the only CRA that even responded was Equifax, in which they sent me an email letting me know I could log-in and view the updated report. What is the next step I need to take, being that I did not even receive responses from the other 2 CRA's? I looked on their websites, but was unable to find any way to contact either of them via email to request that they send hard copies of my updated report. Thanks in advance for your help.
They don't have to respond in writing. If you give them an e-mail address, they can respond to that e-mail address to provide the information. This is why you are better off sending the dispute via CMRRR, and not giving them any other options.