what to do now?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lcmorris, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. lcmorris

    lcmorris Member

    I paid off a charge off account in Aug. and disputed it earlier this monk--not mine, today I received a letter about they were notified of the dispute and sent a form for me to fill out for fraud. What should I do. The account was only 48 dollars.
  2. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    ignore it, if you knowingly claim fraud and it's not, that's a felony. Wait some time and try again.
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    That's why you shouldn't dispute as "not mine" unless it really isn't. You need to dispute based on what is wrong with the reporting.
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    From whom did you receive the letter? Was it the credit reporting agency, or the original creditor, or collection agency?

    I suggest you do not complete the fraud forms, but do respond with a letter stating the account is "not recognized as reported", and you will need to specify an error detail in the reporting. State you do not recognize the account number, dates, or something similar.
  5. lcmorris

    lcmorris Member

    letter came from original creditor
    Date Opened:
    Credit Limit:

    Date of Status:
    09/2007 Terms:
    NA High Balance:

    Reported Since:
    10/2006 Monthly Payment:
    $0 Recent Balance:

    Last Reported Date:
    09/2007 Responsibility:
    Individual Recent Payment:
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I'm not advocating lying but, if the OP would say that it was a fraud account where is the crime?

    Let's not scare folks here when there is no reason to do so . . .

    That said, don't issue not mine disputes insofar as they usually fail, they're dishonest, and they provide nothing if the account is verified as opposed to a pinpoint dispute.

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