I have an inquiry from Providian Financial pulled 10/2/2002 on my report. I called in mid-october to have the inquiry removed and was told by an Experian CSR that inquiries were automatically purged at the end of the month. Alas, the inquiry still remains. Should I have some fun with this, as they are still reporting an inquiry past its legal timeframe or simply call and complain to get it off?
FCRA does not state the amount of time that an inquiry may remain, it only states the amount of time that an inquiry must remain (2 yrs for employment purpose, 1 year for any other purpose). Chances are that this inquiry you are talking about will drop off in a bit if it hasn't already. Soft or hard inq?
It actually only states how long it must be reported to the consumer, and that PRMs must be reported only to the consumer. It says nothing about reporting inquiries to any other parties, even though this is common practice by the CRAs. It also makes no mention of or distinction between "hard" and "soft" inquiries.