Wow she was offering very sound and good advice, and I am sure if someone told HER the same thing years ago she would have the same attitude as you "NOT ME", I think you need to really listen to what she said and learn from it. Denial is NOT a river in Egypt.
Hey Me! Is that loan something you can get while in school or when your out. I dont like the fact of cutting up my cards! that kind of sucks! I will be thinking of decreasing my cards, and like keeping only one! maybe my citibank, it has the highest limit. Im also taking a year off of school when i graduate this may before i go to grad school. Ill be working my ass off, believe me! I cant also wait for my tax return, that should drop a 2000 or 3000 off of a card! psugirl
O cool, is your payment deferred like school loans and why do you have to cut up your credit cards. Is it like a consolidation loan. I cant wait to consolidate my school loans. psugirl
PSUGIRL! You have far more issues than being a shop-a-holic! Why ask for advice if you are not interested in a suggested resolution to your question? Cyprigirl
They don't require you to cut up your cards - I was just saying that so that you don't repeat the process. It is a consolidation loan, and they have programs where you can defer the payments or you can make payments if you want. Check the website out - it's got all the info there.
O please, whats your point! get over it everypost on here does have the posters name shown, and if you see mine and you dont what to read it why dont you just pass by and not read it? you dont even need to respond, i know the answer! and what are you talking about girl who said we've missed her. I havent posted on this board in months are you really that aware of who I am from months ago............and i have problems! Im quite satisfied with my accomplishments in my life and where it stands. BUT OF COURSE THIS IS OFF MY SUBJECT SO........ANYWAY! PSUgirl
Hey since you worked at MBNA do you have suggestions on how to get them to remove a 2- 30 day late payment? Can you post the letter you once mentioned that you submitted to their exec office?
Well... I went to a Big 10 school as well... University of Michigan to be exact. I got my Ph.D. there in Pharmaceutical Sciences - work now for a major pharmaceutical company.
O My! Letter i wrote, i think i wrote it through planetfeedback....! so, ill have to look on planet feedbank i think they keep the letters! Regarding removal of the 2-30day lates! How recently were these payments late? thats a big factor in determining if youll be successful in the removal! let me know psugirl
PSUGIRL! You really are a piece of work! Erica simply offered you some advice and explained what happened to her and you throw it back in her face. You're right I don't have to respond and can simply ignore you but when I read tasteless comments such as yours directed at others who are just offering advice YOU REQUESTED, i will comment. Cypri
Yes, I am aware of who you are. you start a flame war with every non male on this board. First Roni, then me. My suggestion is to loose this page from your bookmarks. If you don't want to hear our advice, you shouldn't post. You really are only 22, aren't you. Not only are you naieve, but you are insolent as well. Not to mention ignorant. Your age really shows through in your posts. BTW, as you mentioned, the names are posted with the responses, if you see my name, and don't like what I have to say, DON'T READ IT!
Going to UofM and getting my doctorate were the two best decisions in my life. Go to a well known school and get a very marketable degree and its almost guararnteed a good job (IMHO). I racked up about $100K in student loans but it was well worth it. I make in excess of that amount each year. Could never have done that if I didn't initially take the chance of taking the loans out. Right now I'm going back to school at UNC Chapel Hill for another graduate degree.
OMG me, i sooo agree with you. You should hear some of the things ive got, and gotten away with just because I say i go to Penn State. Its crazy cool!
Hey me, i have a question: When you go back for a second BA/BS degree do you have to take your Gen Eds all over again to satisfy the degree requirements. Or can you just jump right into the major classes? Do you know? psugirl p.s. go for it at UNC, they are a good school too, they also have cute guys there. I have a friend that goes there. So, at least if you cant work your way to the top, you can sleep your way their. (just joking)