My credit history is shot and I need to get my credit reports send to me by mail before I can update my address and start credit repair. I have a few questions regarding this : 1) As proof of current address(my address on file is my 4 year old address) what should I sent them - My new driver's license which has the current address or the cable/phone/internet bill ? 2) They don't have my driver's license info with any CRA and its new(1 month old). Is there anything bad that could come out of sending them a copy of my drivers license ? 3) Should I sent them any proof of past addresses that I have lived in in the past 2 years - they don't have it on file? Thanks in advance. Cheers /JP
1) I would send them a copy of the Driver's License and a copy of the cable bill. It might be overkill, but it can't hurt. 2) I don't think there is anything bad that could come from sending them your DL. It's a public record, so anyone who wants that information badly enough can get it anyway. 3) I don't know what you would gain by sending them the past addresses. If you had any positive tradelines associated with those addresses, then the CRA's would have them already.
The easiest way to get a free paper credit report - but it will cause an inquiry - is to apply for something that you know you won't be approved for. When the outfit turns you down, they have to reveal the name of the CRA that they accessed, and state their name/address. You can then write a letter asking them for a free credit report. Since the letter from the creditor to you already reveals your address there will be no need for you to provide proof of anything.
Copy of the Drivers License is needed, if you don't want them to have the DL # then you can just cross it out. But often they get it anyway. You can send them a copy of your power bill so they have your address correct in their system. If they don't have the address then keep it that way, they don't need addresses where you lived before, especially if there is bad accounts attached to the old address.