I am looking at my SECOND FOOT of snow in ONE WEEK!!!! Hubby and I have declared this is our LAST winter in New England! He's already started packing I carry ALL the debt credit report wise (other than our car payments). We are looking specifically at an apartment in Tampa area, I've already called the complex and asked what they consider a "good" candidate. 1. Good employment history ME= Unemployed HUBBY=3 months last job 20 months 2. Credit ME= LOTS of utilization HUBBY= 2 car payments and ONE collection (not paid) 3. INCOME= ME=SEE ABOVE HUBBY= One weeks check will cover the rent 4. Rental history= Currently renting never a day late My question is, with me carrying all the debt, should I apply with him? Do I *have* to? If I do what happens if I don't? I'm trying to avoid asking the complex this, I don't want to send up any red flags. What would you do? BTW our lease expires here 4/1/03 and we have to let our complex know by 3/1/03 if we are renewing, plus the UHaul, packing, yard sales etc.
Do either of you have a job lined up FOR SURE in Fl? You need to know that the job situation in sunny climes in the winter is NOT easy. Too many "snowbirds".Plus the pay scale in Fl is well below the snowy North. Also, it would be a VERY good idea if anyone planning a move to another climate would visit during --say August and see if they can take the heat and humidity.
He can transfer with his company at the same rate of pay hes at now. He works outside and HARD, I wouldn't wish his job on my worst enemy. We are in Florida EVERY July. I would rather 150 degree weather than 3 feet of snow, windchills below 0 and icy roads. Hot weather is a small sacrifice.
In that case, I would look up the ownership of the complex through the property assessors office,on line, check the court records and see if they have any litigation on record, such as evictions etc.or cases filed against them. That wll give you a better handle on how to approach them.If you are dealing directly with an owner, rather than a professional management company, you will find it easier, especially if you can offer references from your existing landlord.