It keeps coming up on my caller ID. I'm not sure if I should answer it. They never leave a message. Anna
P.lain O.ld T.elephone S.ystem ??? its an old method to describe like a home phone (versus a digital/analog PBX office phone).
Sam is right POTS A Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) is a basic, no-frills-added telephone line connected to a residential or small business location. POTS lines are analog from the end user to the nearest local telephone company equipment. People using POTS service for data communications with modems are limited in the speed at which they can transmit data.
Nice explanation Backspace.... and I can even turn that POTS line into a DSL in 5 business days - LOL! aarrff - hey all - hey Sam! - dogman
Re: Nice explanation Backspace.... I didn't even know they still used the term POTS line. One doesn't usually use the term unless you're in the telephony business. EdG Go SOX (2002?)
Re: Nice explanation Backspace.... I finally answered it because they called 5 times yesterday and 4 times so far today. It was some jerk selling dental and vision insurance. Anna