What's the deal?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkface, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    There is an entry on my husband's credit report that says under the creditor's statement... "Special handling, please contact subscriber for more information." This account is being reported past the 7 year period, and it shows up with this statement. We managed to get it off one report, but still shows up on Equifax. What is this so called, "special handling" ?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Do you recognize the account?

    Have you disputed the account with the CRAs that are showing it, and with what results?
  3. TVercetti

    TVercetti Well-Known Member

    I have the same type of account. Mine is for a loan that I defaulted on (student loan) but got it rehabbed. I am now paying on it monthly and after a year they'll mark it as paid as agreed closed.

    I actually disputed it as too old/obsolete on twp reports and got it off. On the one it remains on, it is reporting as a possitive tradeline.
  4. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    Yes, we recognize the acct, and have disputed it with both experian and Equifax. Experian deleted it when we disputed the debt as obsolete. Equfax just responded with... "the account was verified as yours, so it will remain on your report." We didn't dispute it as "not mine", we disputed it as obsolete. Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Well isn't that special? Special sounds like willfully reporting after 7 years. Make them feel special too.

    Were your disputes thru the CRA handled via "special handling", perhaps as a result of sending the CRA an ITS in response to a failure to correct?

    Dispute it, as "obsolete, reporting after 7 years, please remove as required by FCRA", via an FTC complaint. They will forward, presumably to someone other than who handled it before.

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