Whats the max I can Sue?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by guyincali, May 5, 2008.

  1. guyincali

    guyincali New Member

    I have paid off a debt over a year ago and have fax the "Closed Account, Paid" letter to the companies who bought the account after the people I paid off didnt report it. I have now received another phone call today from someone else who has now bought my account which should have been closed last year. I have sent this to the Credit agencies already and pending responce to hear the results.

    But I have heard you can sue the companies who keep harrasing you with phone calls and letters with threat.

    I live in California but have heard you can sue for the max 5k but want to know if anyone has done this.

    My report still showing the debt and this is hurting my credit really bad.

    Its totally not cool that we can have our credit ruined in seconds from these people but we cant really do anything to them or about our credit.

  2. TeeVeeDude

    TeeVeeDude Well-Known Member

    We love newbies here, really we do. And I'm pretty much a noob myself. So forgive me if I sound a bit snarky; I had oral surgery last week and I'm still hurting.

    It's commendable that you have come here searching for answers. We have answers, for sure. But there's a reason for all those "Sticky" posts at the top of the forum. And there's a reason for the "Search" item up there on the toolbar.

    Responsible noobs should read all that stuff, and then search the archives, before asking a question that has probably been answered a few hundred times already.

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