Whats up with myfico.com?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bells, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. Bells

    Bells New Member

    About 2 years ago, i got my FICO score from myfico.com. I paid $19.95 for 1 score. Simple.

    Today, I revisited the site - the closest amount to the original was approx $14.95 for FICO standard which brought up a screen to purchase INDIVIDUAL reports from the 3 CRAs @$14.95/each.

    Isn't there still only 1 FICO score? To get a true FICO, does one have to spend $44 (14.95 x 3)? And where would I find promo codes?

  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Your credit history on each of the CRA's files will generate 3 separate FICO scores, one for EQ, one for EX, and one for TU.
    The FICO score from EQUIFAX, sometimes called a BEACON Score, is the "original" FICO but the others are genuine FICO Scores as well

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