What's up with Providian?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wajaba, Feb 21, 2003.

  1. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Seven solicitations in less than two months, all of them in slightly different envelopes, and all of them for the same sorry terms. I thought they were doing everything they could to sort of cull their customer base (judging by the countless planetfeedback.com letters about Providian that read like the five stages of grief.)

    Have they lifted their high-falutin' ban on sub-680'ish applicants and returned to their subprime roots? This is just out of curiosity...I mean, I wasn't actually considering getting their card, or anything like that, *cough cough*.

  2. lakpr

    lakpr Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm having the same problems too!

    Do what has been suggested before on this board and elsewhere, and what I'm doing also.

    Write in big bold letter *VOID* on the application form, fold all the solicitation papers and the application form and put it in the postage-free envelope provided by Providian. For kickers, you might also want to enclose some of the OTHER junk mail that has been sent to you (pizza coupons, oil change coupons, etc. ... you get the idea). Then drop it in the nearest mailbox! :)

    Let them pay for their stupidity!!

    -- lakpr
  3. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member


    take their postage-paid envelope to return the acceptance with, write "VOID" all over the acceptance and insert it into the envelope. then securely attach the envelope to a brick and mail it. Let them pay first class postage on a couple of million bricks and they will get the idea.

    I did that 2 years ago and haven't heard from then since.
  4. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!! Thats good. Stuff it with Pizza Hut coupons too. At least if they insist on spending money on postage, they can cut back in other ways.
  5. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Actually, this offer can work to your advantage, if you read and understand the terms and conditions. For example, it is true that that once you BT an amount to Providian, it accrues interest immediately at the goto rate of the card. In return though, you get 1.9% for 6 months on all new purchases. Seems fair right?. Simply BT a low amount (over $100) and then use the card fee free for six months if you pay it off every month. Plus, there is no annual fee and a 25-day grace (citi lowered my grace to 20 days). So, short term, maybe not good while your paying the BT off, but once that is done, your purchases are at a low APR for a while and after that the goto APR is yours and you probably could get it lowered after a year. Again, not for everyone, but for those with CH7 BK's, derogs, etc. it is really not too bad an offer if you play your cards right.

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