What's Wrong With This Board?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Sep 17, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi Gang,

    You guys know me and you know I'm very active.

    I haven't had an email alert for almost 2 hours now. Has everyone simultaneously gone on vacation?

    Or is email down?
  2. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Reshod is here.

    Hasnt posted much in the last couple of months due to school.

    Will try to participate more in the future.

    Too many newbies, you just dont know who to trust anymore.
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Well it worked.


    Reshod's post alerted me via email.

    I guess everyone really did just go to bed all at the same time.

  4. freddiemil

    freddiemil Well-Known Member

  5. JustinTJ

    JustinTJ Well-Known Member

    It's raining here in Atlanta, gentle soft rain that keeps putting me to sleep.

    Still no response from my two estoppel letters, it's been ten days and no green card from one of them. I might have to g
  6. skwirl

    skwirl Well-Known Member

    Reshod is here.

    Hasnt posted much in the last couple of months due to school.

    Will try to participate more in the future.

    Too many newbies, you just dont know who to trust anymore.

    Easy now, not all of us newbies are trolls.

    Of course we could always turn that around and say..... hmmm maybe this board was created by the CRA's to catch poor unfortunate people trying to clear up their bad credit reports and and all of you old timers are really great computer hackers and now you have my IP address and know exactly who I am so you can now deem all of my disputes frivolous because you know exactly what I am up to. I will wake up tomorrow with letter from all three CRA's telling me I'm caught and I'm going to jail and......(sob) someone please make this nightmare go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anyway....have a nice day :)
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    It's been over 48 hours now since my last cigarette.....Oh my poor fridge,so empty and lonely now.

    Just here trying to fight off the food and butt urge :)

    I think I'm hallucinating.....
  8. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    I'm here too...just doin' some reading...DAD...
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    You're almost there, I've been told it takes 72 hours for your system to purge itself of the nicotine.

    Problem is that 72 hours feels like 72 x 3.

    Go KHM Gooooooooooooooooooo, you can do it!

  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    AND mom has a HISSY if I use the phone line too much!!!

    ...AND NO~~~she won't let me get her DSL or CABLE INTERNET (she has
    cable already for the TV)

    ...AND NO~~~she wouldn't even if I paid for it!!!
  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Nope it's not working right.

    There are 9 posts here and I've only gotten 3 email alerts.


  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    This has been a test of butch's emergency email alert system.


  13. freddiemil

    freddiemil Well-Known Member

    Its the CRAs. They've finally hacked into the mainframe. We're all damned!!!

    Soylent Green is made out of people!!
  14. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    LOL, i say that all the time at work and everyone under 30 just looks at me like i'm stupid, but like i always say, "don't worry, i'm stupider than i look."

    e-mail working okay, butch?

  15. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    I don't know...I posted two questions yesterday (student loan late) and (balance question)...and nobody answered :-(((
  16. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Getting this butch?

    I haven't been getting many alerts either, but I just figured that all the threads I am interested in drop off the main page too quickly :eek:)
  17. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    How do you turn e-mail on?
  18. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Out of all 17 posts I've gotten 6 alerts.


    That's all.


    Minus MY posts, which don't notify, I'm still due about 8-9 notifications.



    Go into your "Account", first blue button at the top.

    Then "Pref", preferences.

    The 3rd option down says;

    Use 'Email Notification' by default?

    Click Yes.

  19. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Could it be that posts within a certain time are counted as one, so as not to flood your inbox?
  20. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member


    you only get the alert if someone hits the reply button on one of your posts.

    If someone hits the reply button on someone elses post in the thread. That person is alerted. You won't be.

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