what's your favorite credit card?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by suzza, Oct 10, 2002.

  1. suzza

    suzza Well-Known Member

    What card would you recommend someone apply for?

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I love Capital One! I know others opinions vary on this card, but I think they are terrific to their good customers...very unlike some other companies I could name.

  3. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Citi and Bank of America have always been fair with me. I would never again deal with FirstUSA. Merrick is new, but their customer service is really poor.

    MBNA is in between
  4. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    Cross Country Bank

    nothing but the best baby
  5. JohnnyBloo

    JohnnyBloo Active Member

    According to Tuesday's "Wall Street Journal," Capitol One has the lowest default rate among its credit card customers in the entire business.

    Johnny Blood
  6. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Citi and Chase. Both have been great with substantial tradelines. Citi through new tradelines and combining, Chase through line increases.

    Both also have great promotional deals.

  7. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    Amex - without a doubt.
    Takes time in the beginning to "earn" their trust - but after that - they're extremely generous with line increases and have excellent customer service. Their memebership rewards program is also a nice touch
  8. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    Citibank and Retailers National Bank (Target Visa). Citibank has given me an exceptionally low rate of 6.65% and numerous BT offers. Target Visa also lowered my apr from the initial 19.8% down to 9.9% in the course of one year. They have been generous with line increases too. I started with $3000 in 10/01 and have $4700 in 10/02.
  9. ef

    ef Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    My fave cards also happen to be my longest tradelines: Citi & Cap1.

    I've had a Citi card since freshman year of college, with a 700 limit. In the past 15 years, it's gone through quite a journey, from 19.8% APR to an Aadvantage Card and now finally an Citi Platinium Select World MC with a $6500 limit & a 10.9% APR! Not to mention about 40K Aadvantage miles in the past 12 months. As long as you charge frequently, make more than the minimum payments (I try to make a payment at a Citi branch once a week) and they will go through hoops to keep you as a customer.

    Cap1 helped me out when I couldn't even get an additional card -- with a $300 deposit I got a $500 limit and thanks to Creditnet, I've been able to PFB and use the retention # and have upped my relationship with Cap1 to include a Gold and a Platinum card. APRs aren't fantastic, but I try to keep my balances to a minimum.
  10. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    Citibank Platinum Select~~~6.65% APR for purchases & 3.90% APR on BT until paid off. No annual fee.

    Bank of America Platinum~~~9.90% APR fixed for purchases & 4.75% APR on BT until paid off. No annual fee.
  11. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    #1: Bank of America - Great interest rates on purchases and BT's and great customer service.

    #2: Capital One - Have been very generous to me with CL increases (went from a $1000 gold card to a $5000 plat. in less than a year). Not the best interest rates but not horrible either. Customer service has always been very helpful and friendly. Only thing I don't like is that they don't report limits.

    #3: Amex - Applied for Plat awhile back but was denied... reapplied for gold and was approved. Upgraded me to plat after less than 6 months and customer service is the best around IMHO.

    #4: Citibank - Have a Plat Select and a World Mastercard. Very generous with initial limits and increases and again, great customer service (usually).

  12. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    #1 Bank of America - Very fast with BT, also good rate, 8.9% purchases & bt. First good credit line upfront.

    #2 Capital One - While I was in the subprime mkt, they never took advantage with the outrageous fees that others charged. Started with $200 limit last year, up to $1250 and counting this year. Anxiously awaiting my next review so I can talk to my old friend Mr. Cooke!

    #3 Chase - Although they have been a pain in my @$$ lately, I would still recommend them. Just watch out when it comes to line increases and the like, you will get a hard inquiry.
  13. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Depends on what your credit history looks like! :)

    My personal favs:

    (1) Chase
    (2) AT&T Universal (Citibank)
    (3) Wachovia

    All three - > five figure credit limits, BT's are quick as lightning and 0% for eons and eons, great customer service.
  14. Derfel

    Derfel Member

    Well I prefer Citibank, they are really the only ones who ever dealt with me in a polite manner. I don't like First USA or MBNA's payment posting process. At least here from texas both of these places took 8 to 10 days to post my payment and charged me late fees on a regular basis. I know that First USA even settled lost a lawsuit for using a PO box that they checked once a week for payments (as I recieved $0.63 as part of the settlement)
  15. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    I hope you didn't spend the entire settlement offer in one place!!! Surely you splurged and painted the town red. :)
  16. daveberk

    daveberk Well-Known Member

    Citibank World Aadvantage gold card. 18.5K revolving limit with 8.65 APR. Earned 80,000 miles in two years. I use this card for practically everything.

    MBNA plat. plus. 19.1K limit. Although the 11.9 APR is a bit high for purchases, it's a good APR for cash when I need it.
  17. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    Chase Platinum is great. Gave me 0% on BT's for a year, no BT fee, no annual fee and APR of 9.9%. Considering that I've been in the teens for the past 10 years I'll take it!
  18. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    I like:

    1) CitiBank World MasterCard -- Came with 7500 AAdvantage miles on the first charge. Earned our honeymoon plane tickets to Europe First Class in just one year (yeah, we intentionally paid for toilet paper, etc. to get that!)

    2) CitiBank Signature VISA -- same deal. Gonna go see my inlaws at their Ski Chalet in this Winter...again!

    3) AMEX Optima -- AMEX Gold. Both started hubby out with comparatively low CL for his pristine credit. But it has since soared with hardly a flinch from AMEX.
  19. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    Citibank Sony Platinum Card, Diners Club, Discover Card, AT&T Universal Cash Rewards Card and Fleet Savings Bond Card are my favorite cards.

  20. nhokt

    nhokt Active Member

    Re: what's your favorite credit car

    Cap 1 has been great to me. Upgraded gold to plat. with a good cl when I couldn't get a card from anyone else.

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