When do CRA delete tradelines?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by folide, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. folide

    folide Member

    I used to be an Authorized User on three credit accounts with high balances. I was removed from these accounts about two weeks ago. I then disputed them to all three CRA as not being mine because I did not want to wait for the Credit Card companies to update my file. I have noticed that Equifax and Experian will delete immediately after verifying as not mine, while Transunion has not deleted yet. The last batch of disputes I sent TU included 3 things that did not belong to me, after 3 weeks I called them and they told me that they verified that they were not mine but they would be deleted "as soon as the investigation was over". I just applied for an FHA Mortgage Pre-Approval and they will pull my credit within a few days. I have been checking my reports daily for the last 2 weeks and they are still there. Anybody know what are each CRA policies on deleting tradelines.
  2. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    You indicated that status was Authorized User. You're sure Not Joint? Authorized Users don't show up on the credit reports... I'd make sure that's your status. AU isn't responsible for the bill, and CRA don't report that as such. Only Joint are responsible. Now if you're sure you're a AU and the CRA has in fact reported that you kinda benefited creditwise. If something out of the ordinary would've happened and the Primary couldn't pay, they couldn't come after You because legally you're just an AU and Not Joint.

    If you're doing a Mtge in a few days, i'd ask the Credit Card Company to fax you a letter that indicates they removed you as an AU, and believe me it's a Credit Card policy to have on file letters that release the AU and explains Joints cant be removed. You're Mtge Co will accept that letter in lieu of credit being cleared( but explain they are taking it off).
  3. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Sure they do. It's noted as 'authorized user'. My hubby and I are AU on all of each other's accounts and they are all reported on our reports as AU.

  4. folide

    folide Member

    All three were showing on all my credit reports as an Authorized User and they were factoring into my score, when Equifax deleted one of them that had a high balance and was at the credit limit my score jumped up 20 points. When the ANB-Shell account showed up on my Experian report as an Authorized User, my score went down 6 points, probably because it was a new account. My broker told me that the mortgage lender had metioned to her that they had to hit me with the AU accounts also. Thank for the info about getting a letter from the CC companies. Thank You.
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Exactly! In fact I am the primary holder on my Citi card but TU has me listed as AU.
  6. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Well if your Married i can understand why it shows up, because marital credit does that anyway, but for the others that indicate AU showing up, that's strange and scary.... I don't know but out here on the East Coast, i can promise you. AU or Joint specifaclly distinquish the way it reports. Is this Revolving, Open Credit.... The company i worked for specifically spealled that out in the letters we sent out or if consumers wanted to be added as joint. We had to make sure the verbage was correctly spoken about the benifits of the two. Wow, Scary.......
  7. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    What? Are you saying marital credit shows up on both files? If so, you are totally wrong. If the accounts are applied for jointly then, yes, they will show up on both. if I'm not an AU or joint owner of an account of my wife, her accounts remain separate from me.
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    If you are an authorized user on someones account that you DONT live with, it most likely wont show up on your reports. When you sign up as an AU they usually dont ask for a SSN#, they just match it by address. Before hubby and I were married he was an AU on one of my accounts, 2 totally different last names, same address, it reported. There are people on here who live with their parents and are AU's on their accts. and t reports. It's almost always matched up by addresses.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  10. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    This is misleading and inaccurate information. I am AU on several accounts that are my mothers, different last name, different address. It DOES happen quite frequently and is an easy, cheap & legal way to establish credit.

    That too is wrong. I live in Texas...community property state and married credit does *NOT* mix unless it's a joint account. I would love to have my new hubby's credit show up on mine, we called, it can't be done. The only way is to re-apply and add me as joint even on our mortgage. I am listed on the deed but not the loan.
  11. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    This is something i posted on a similar thread that invloved some information i gave out read my apology below....

    Hey Guys i'm sorry, I guess the AU reporting has changed since i was a Manager of a
    Private Label credit card. The AU and Joint reporting were definite issues then. I
    apologize if i've got anyone upset or challenged anyone. It goes to show I should read
    up on changes that affect credit, and. Gathering from all the responses reminding me
    i'm wrong. This board has been a great find and again my information wasn't intended to
    guide anyone in the wrong direction. I ADMIT I'M WRONG... I'M SORRY

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