Hello! At what level would you say that a persons credit is good enough to stop trying to improve it? I'm thinking about buying a house in a few years and want to make sure that I'm in good standing with the mortgage company at that time. I currently score 761 on Experians Plus Score. V/R Rifleman
You should have no trouble getting a good rate. Anything 720 or over usually qualifies for the best rate. So I guess 720 is when it's "good enough."
Agreed...according to the guy who did our mortgage, anything 720 and over is considered "Fingerprint Credit". Meaning, all they need is a finger print and you're approved (jokingly of course) DB
Well it's not a joke When I refi'd all I had to provide was my driver's license. No proof of job, income, assets or anything else. Only had to pay .25point more for the no doc. However, many of the 0% autoloan promo's require 750 so that would probably be what's "enough."