When might the negs be removed?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by OceanBlue, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. OceanBlue

    OceanBlue Member


    I have 4 30-day lates on my Experian for a Citibank student loan that combined all 4 accounts into one payment. The report states the lates are from 12/97. Will these lates be removed 12/04 or could they perhaps be removed earlier?

    I was thinking of opening an investigation that I was never late thinking they are so close to coming of Exp wouldn't even bother, but I'm afraid they might just delete all 4 TL instead. If deleted, could that hurt my score since they have the longest history (opened 1995) or are they not even considered into my score (except for the lates) since they are closed?


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