When to start disputing after BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by magoo, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. magoo

    magoo Member

    Hello! Just recently had our 341 meeting for a Chapter 7 bk on 11/23, and everything went quick and smooth. Pulled my reports and scores off of myfico.com this weekend, and some of the accounts are showing in bankruptcy, and others aren't yet.

    Should I go ahead and start disputing these right away, or wait for awhile? The creditors have until 1/26 to file an objection, but it was a no-asset case, and we're not anticipating any problems there.

    Also, am I reading here that I should dispute them as "not mine", or just go ahead with "included in bankruptcy"?

    Thanks for your help! Just found this site, and it looks great! Will be returning here often to get those scores back up there where they belong.
  2. magoo

    magoo Member

    No words of wisdom from anyone??!! I'm getting itchy fingers to get started!!
  3. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    I think you will need to wait till it's discharged, at least?
  4. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    Wait at least a month after your discahrge before you do any disputes.
  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Actually, I know of several people who timed it 'just right' (disputed right before discharge) and got their BK removed right after it was placed. It's worth a shot.
  6. bsutton21

    bsutton21 Well-Known Member

    NEVER NEVER give the credit bureaus any information that they dont already have. The truth of the matter is that even if it states incl in bk its not a good thing. if you are going to disp do it as not mine- not incl in bk. b/c than you are admitting to the debt and you could possibly get it removed all together. As far as when, I dont think that there is a magic time. Just try, I have seen stranger things happen. Remember if you have items incl in bk than it is harder to get the actual bk off because they have cause to invest. further. If you can get those items that you incl off, you have a better chance of getting the bk off.

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