you cant get a free score unless someone will run it for you but you can get a free report at
The closest you can get is with Equifax, using the new"free annual report" site. You can get your Eq report (free), and the FICO score is only $6.95 Otherwise, the next best route is to hunt for the FICO discount codes that circulate. They range from 10% to 20% discounts.
Well, actually Citi has a service called "Citi Credit Monitoring" which can likely be found by Googling. It is a pay service, but the first 30 days are free. It includes all three credit reports and scores. You could sign up for it and then simply make sure to cancel it before the 30 days are up.
If you're an American Express Clearâ?¢ Cardholder, you can get a free Experian report and score once a year. (Clear is pretty much like the Blue Card, I've got both.)