Which creditors pull 2 hards?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jason2004, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Jason2004

    Jason2004 Well-Known Member

    Iâ??m curious to find out who else beside Amex, Providian and Capital One pull 2 hards per one credit application?

    Thank you.
  2. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    MBNA... and sometimes 3 (2 Exp and 1TU).
  3. denied

    denied Well-Known Member

    Diners' club hit me with 2 before they turned me down.
  4. kldg

    kldg Active Member

    I got two hards from Chase, one on EX and one on TU. Amex only hit me with one, though.
  5. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Last Nov. I went on a CC applying binge and only MBNA pulled two reports. The first was TU and the second was Exp.

    The second pull was with my knowledge as I was on the phone with the MBNA C.A. and he asked me if it was okay to pull a second report.

    As for Amex, I applied for a Green and a Blue online within mintues and the applications only cost me 1 inquiry. So that was great two approvals on 1 inquiry.

    Best regards,
  6. cocomad

    cocomad Member

    Creditors that pull for car financing will pull 2or 3 times, Wells Fargo, Household, Capone, and Bankone as well.
  7. mrsrabbits

    mrsrabbits Member

    Ditto--only 1 for Amex.
  8. Jason2004

    Jason2004 Well-Known Member

    So the notorious are: MBNA, Diners, Chase, Providian, Capital One so far.. regarding pulls for credit card application.
  9. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Chase and Amex usually pull only once.

    The problem is with Cap One and MBNA pulling 2 or 3 hards.
  10. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member


    Capital One pulled three hards on me. Worst of all it was on a 'pre-approved' offer that was sent to me by mistake, as I am not a student and it is apparently a student card. (Nowhere on the offer does it state this, mind you.)

    But the strangest thing is that I applied online on Friday evening, and the inquiries are all from the following Wednesday (yesterday). This after I talked to people on Friday night and Saturday morning to figure out what the deal is with the application.

    Hell, I only applied for the 0% BT offer, and come to be told that when you apply online there is no chance place to enter your BT info, so you can't take advantage of the BT offer!

    I don't know what I was thinking, applying for a Crap One card. I should have my head examined...
  11. DanS

    DanS Well-Known Member

    Household pulled EQ & EXP

    Any mortgage or car loan app will pull all 3 and use the middle score.
  12. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    in my experience MBNA will pull at least two. exp then tu. depending on the type of account that you have they will pull a hard everytime you make a purchase. I know because this happened to me when I opened my gateway account. luckily I didnt use it very often but I used it enough. I just disputed the inquires and they came off. I also called them and asked about it the lady was very nice and told me that when I opened the account I essentially gave them permission to review my credit anytime they wanted to, which i think i did, but none the less she apologized and now I dont get any inquries when I make purchases. Another thing I noticed about MBNA is they will look at Exp to open an account and tu to make a final decision in most cases, when you call for a limit increase (in my experience) they will almost allways look at tu first then exp if needed. Finally for account reviews they use equifax...I think they may start using eq to make their decisions. A lot of banks use eq for some reason.
  13. MisterX

    MisterX Well-Known Member

    Great info, Dario1979!

    Thanks for your insights re: MBNA! DW was looking into getting an account but now doesn't want to deal with them due to all the inquiries and the constant scrutiny by "Big Brother."

    Talk about @n@l retentive!

  14. faztcobra

    faztcobra Well-Known Member

    I got hit with 2 by National City. They pulled TU first, then EQ. I think for most though, they just pull TU.

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