I need a good recomendation for a report monitor that allows me unlimited access to all 3 CRA's and also shows my scores. Does the services inquires affect the credit score? Are they seen by anyone? Thanks
Found a comparison..thought I'd post it for other people looking for a recomendation. Your thoughts still Welcome on your preference. http://www.fightidentitytheft.com/credit-monitoring.html
Nice list , and nope, the inquiries that come from you pulling your own report don't hurt your score, and they're only seen by you.
I have Identity Guard, which was given to me by my employer since my personal information was compromised. It gives you all 3 reports + scores quarterly. My subscription will expire at the end of the year, but I'm thinking about renewing it.
I use TrueCredit and although the scores aren't FICO, they're a pretty good indicator of where I stand. Plus I can refresh all 3 reports every 24 hours and I get an email from them immediately when something changes on any of the 3 reports. Plus it's not too expensive, only $14.95 a month. I am very happy with it.
I signed up for True Credit also, the reports dont seem to be exact to my written copies. Stuff is on there that aint on the written. My written Equifax comes from CSC and the online Equ. is different. All accounts that vary are in my favor though. For some reason my Exp score is 550, the other two are 600.
I prefer Equifax Score Watch. It alerts you of any changes, and has the only true score used by most banks. The FICO score. It's $79.00 a year.
WOW! talk about rude cust. service. I asked TU why there scores are different and if it is the score creditors see. Got no clear answers just you should have read the user agreement. I switched to EQ service. They show my score 55 points higher.
If you give me some money, I could give you a number 100 points higher! Such a deal! If they don't say they are FICO scores, they probably are not. The CSRs have probably been trained to say nothing, and only refer to legalese disclosures. If they tell you they are non-FICO garbage, you won't want to buy them. If they tell you they are what all the creditors pull, they risk getting in trouble with FTC. Safest to say nothing.
I use mycreditkeeper.com access to all 3 w/scores once a month for $9.99 a month. No contract, cancel anytime.