which states sol applies??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by k4linar, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. k4linar

    k4linar Member

    My husband is in the Military and I am his dependant, We are Oregon residents and have been when we opened up our credit cards, once we got stationed in california, i almost went bankurupt however instead I just stopped paying on 3 of my (ONLY in my name) credit cards but paid on more important bills. SO my question is, i notice that on the credit report it has my california address and my previous address in Oregon, How do they know that Oregon is my main residence? If the creditors sue me, they would have to sue me through the Oregon courts right? or can they legally sue me in California if I am NOT a california resident? We will be moving to Kentucky because of his military orders, does that effect the toll SOL? Where would i file bankruptcy if i need to? And if I'm sued how do i prove that I am an Oregon resident not other states that we are stationed at?
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    do you pay taxes to Oregon?
  3. k4linar

    k4linar Member

    we file together and pay ORegon taxes. On his (military ) LES he pays Oregon taxes, i haven't worked but we file jointly. I have oregon DL, registered to vote in oregon, cars registered through oregon.

  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Well, you sound like you are domiclied in Oregon, You need to check with an Oregon lawyer to determine if the SOL for credit card debt (I think this is 6 years for Oregon) is TOLLED in any way because of the fact that you are out of the state.
    If the CA continues to persue you in California, you may have to bring an Order to Show Cause that the CA court lacks jurisdiction in your case.
    You really need to talk to a lawyer!
  5. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    If you do nothing they could sue you in Oregon, get a judgment, and then domesticate the judgment in whatever state you happen to reside in.

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