Hubby has a mostly paid CA showing only on his TU report, we are hoping to go for a mortgage and this obviously needs to be paid. The balance was $1,710. We only owe $587. So by my calculations we have paid about 78-79%. (we stopped paying when we found CN, long story) Anyway, seeing as it's a medical debt I was going to offer the CA 2 choices: 1. Pay $123 (which would bring us to 80% of total debt) if they mark account as Paid as agreed/never late. OR 2. Pay 50% of the rmaining balance ($293) if they agree to delete. Now here's what I'm going to do, which ever the majority decides it what the CA gets (done the validation they proved without a doubt). I will send a letter to the CA AND the dentists office and put that little CC, at the bottom. This way the CA can't just say no, cause the Dentist may just want this to be done. Make sense? And what do you think?
Should I send them both options? Seeing as I'm sending a copy to the dentist, I would think the dentist would want all the money he can get. He's not gonna care if it reports or not. See what I'm saying?
KHM, Paid as agreed/never late on a collection account? It would have never gone to collection if it was paid as agreed/never late. I can't get my brain around the scoring models, truly, doesn't it lower you being a collection account regardless? Sassy
Sassy- Thats my catch 22, a CA can;t possibly report it as paid as agreed/never late, if they can, it can't be listed as a collection account. So basically offer #1 is bogus, but offer #2 is absolutely legit. I basically want my letter so sound all nice and kiss ass, so the dentist will realize THEY have the choice. If *I* were the dentist, I would want more money, I could give a rats patooey if it was reported on someone's report. All in all the dentist would be out $293, if an insurance company had paid this, he would have gotten a lot less than he already has, right? Whats he got to lose?
I see what you mean. If you sound a little more kiss ass in the letter, that might be better. I just had this situation with a CA and a dentist. I sent them a letter for the remainder of what I owe them, but deletion. I also sent a copy of the letter to the dentist and attached a memo to him asking him if he could persuade them. Haven't heard back. But it's RMA, so heavens knows what they are going to do.
KHM, Ok, I'm following you, smoochie smoochie, kiss kiss, in that case I vote twice for number 2. I'm with you, the dentist shouldn't give a kiss, LOL, he just wants his money. Have you considered paying and asking the dentist directly or are they keeping all kisses off since it's with a CA? Sassy
Sassy, This dentists receptionist is by far the dumbest thing I have ever come across. We told her we would pay them instead of the CA, that would save them 40% (that's what they are paying the CA), she said she can't pull the account back. I told her either they bought it or they were assigned it, seeing as they are getting a % then it was assigned. The receptionist said she could take our payment and she would forward it to the CA for us!!!! I sent her a letter explaining our conversation and she sent back a form she gets from the CA stating how much they collected from me, how much the CA got, and what the balance was, well DUH, I knew that already!!!! I'm sending the DENTIST CRRR of this letter, I'm going to restrict it so only his sig. will release the mail.
LOL KHM, Restricted mail sounds like the best idea! How frustrating to deal with a receptionist a fry short of a happy meal. Good luck to you, I hope it works! Sassy
i went to the post office yesterday and they told me they no longer do restricted mail. she wouldnt allow me to do it...just fyi this was the post office at DFW airport in Dallas/Fort Worth