Who digs Target? I DO!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fingrrrl, Mar 11, 2002.

  1. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    Target Visa, 15.9%, $6,000 credit limit

    2:00 pm-letter to them via Planetfeedback asking for my APR to be lowered to 12.9% and my limit increased a little...

    5:00 pm-e-mail in my inbox stating that my APR is now 9.9% fixed and credit limit is now $15,000

    5:02 pm-checked my Target account online and sure enough, it's all true

    5:03 pm-screamed for joy and jumped around my room...got another rejection letter from another grad school today but this almost made up for it.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    What did you type for "BUSINESS"???

    RETAILERS NATIONAL BANK??? (I tried RNB...wouldn't work...a few weeks ago)
  3. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

  4. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I just typed in Target and a few choices came up...Target.com, Dayton's and a few others (I forget specifically what they were), and I chose just the plain Target. Hope this helps!
  5. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    you go girl ;)
  6. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    What was it changed from? What was your APR and limit before changing them? Congrats!
  7. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    The APR was 15.9% and the limit was $6,000. By the way, their limit goes up to $20,000 which is more than enough for me. ;)
  8. informed

    informed Well-Known Member


    how long haveyou been a cardholder with target visa.....just to get an idea of how favorable they are towards new accounts.....thank you

  9. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I got my APR lowered from 18.9% to 15.9% just by calling after three months. I didn't ask for a credit line increase (I have $6,000). Now that I know that they are responsive to planetfeedback I'd like to know how long you've had the card as well. I'll use them next time instead of calling.
  10. informed

    informed Well-Known Member

    nearly 1/2 yr....they should be donig a manual review by now according to the csr's..ty
  11. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    I've had the Target guest card since Feb. 2000 and the new Visa since September '01. No lates, paid in full every month.
  12. IrishDiva

    IrishDiva Well-Known Member

    PF and Target Visa just approved

    I was just approved the other night on line for Target $1000 and 18.9 APR. I have just a couple hundred dollars left on my Paypal (providian) card. Apparently TVisa does do balance transfers. Is it too soon to PF Target and ask for a lowered APR and increased CL? I've had the guest card for 6 months with no lates and a very low balance. Or should I wait until I've had the card a few months? Thanks!

  13. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: PF and Target Visa just approved

    It never hurts to ask. I asked for a lowered APR the month I got the card and was declined. Called again at three months and was lowered from 18.9% to 15.9%. Obviously they didn't hold it against me that I asked in November.
  14. IrishDiva

    IrishDiva Well-Known Member

    Re: PF and Target Visa just approved

    Cool! I'll PF them tonight and see what happens! Either way, if they don't do anything vis-a-vis the CL or APR, I'm going to transfer the rest of Paypal to that card and tell those people at Providian what they can do with the card. In a lady like fashion, of course!

  15. mj

    mj Well-Known Member


    Thanks so much for the idea! I PFB'd them last night at midnight and just got the email that it's lowered to 9.9% as of next cycle.

    I've been a Fields & Target holder for 13 years, perfect history with them and a pretty healthy spend on their cards, so I hope that had something to do with it.

    Very cool! They already were my favorite store ... now with 9.9%, plus the 10% reards ... they're my favorite AND cheapest store & card!
  16. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member


    What were your scores and which CRA did they pull? Charlie
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member




    Hi "George",

    Thanks for your e-mail.

    When you applied for the new Target® Visa®, your credit limit and annual
    percentage rate were based on all of the information that you provided
    on your application, such as:
    - Time at current residence
    - Time at current employer
    - Number of open accounts
    - Number of past due payments, etc.

    If you would like to inquire in more detail about the numerical
    weighting of your credit history, please visit http://www.fairisaac.com.

    Our records indicate we recently reduced the annual percentage rate of
    your Target Visa account to 12.9%. As a result, at this time we are
    unable to reduce your the annual percentage rate again.

    If you would like to request a review of your Target® Visa® account for
    a credit limit increase, please call us at 1-888-755-5856.
    Representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We look
    forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks for being a valued Target guest! Visit us again at

    Credit Services
  18. IrishDiva

    IrishDiva Well-Known Member


    Charlie - if you were "talking" to me, I don't know what my scores are for sure - last time I checked they were in low to mid 600s, and as for the credit report, they didn't say.
  19. mj

    mj Well-Known Member


    George ....

    That last one on your list of factors ... do you have lates showing on any of your CRAs? Some accidental mis-posting (or cross-posting) going on?

    There's someone with the same name (different spelling) one town away from me, and TU merged our files together. Good thing he paid on time, but it killed my ratios for a while until we sorted it out.

    My partner (ok, I did it... I handle the 'money' stuff) sent in a similar letter through PFB and got the "George" response (without the references to scores or factors).

    It's always been like that with Fields and Target -- I have the 11k Field's card - his is $3.2k ... my Target is $9k, his is $4.7k. **I'M** the one with the 5-yr old BK and his credit looks "perfect"! Maybe I'll see if they'd combine the two together into a joint account.

    Go figure.

  20. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member


    Ok I went ahead and PF Target this afternoon, got a reply already, quick, BUT it states b/c of the secure nature blah, they couldn't respond to my rate reduction through email , please call number?????????

    Now why do they respond to other emails, I sent it to Target and the email is from target credit services?????

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