Who do I write to?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kRenee, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. kRenee

    kRenee New Member

    I have a bunch of questions:

    I have some old accounts showing up on my credit report. Three of them were closed around ten years ago and I don't have the whole account number any more. Two are credit lines that I thought I closed a long time ago but are not showing up as closed. For these, do I write to the creditor (I DO have these account numbers) and ask them to close the account and inform the credit report agencies or do I write directly to the credit agency?

    Finally, two of the three agencies list my only Master Card. The third does not and therefore I have a lower score because they say I don't have any major credit cards. Would it be worth my time to add my MC to this one? Is it in my best interest?

    Overall, I'm not too unhappy with any of my three scores. My lowest is in the 730s, my highest is in the 780s. I just want to fix the incorrect information and clean things up. I also need to change my name on one of them from my maiden name to my married name, and once I move, update my address on all of them.

    Any and all advice is welcome. Thanks!

  2. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Renee - I would leave the closed accounts on your report, as long as they are in good standing. From the looks of your score, they are..so keep them - having good history is GOOD and gives you a higher score!
    If you want to close the accounts you thought you closed, contact the original creditor and request they close...will it bring down your score if you close them? possibily...maybe someone else can chime in here :)
    Regarding your MC to the 3rd CRA - you might want to call the MC company and ask if they will report to the CRA..it couldn't hurt.
    Hope this helps you a little!
  3. kRenee

    kRenee New Member

    Well, those three were closed by the creditor (Discover, Key Bank, and CITI Bank) because I wasn't able to make payments. I paid off the debt within a year or so after the accounts were closed so it's still been over seven years.

    All three state on the report that they were closed by the creditor. That CAN'T be good.
  4. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Who do I write to?

    No - that's not good but your scores are awesome... I would dispute with each CRA.

    How are the accounts that you thought were closed?
  5. kRenee

    kRenee New Member

    Re: Re: Who do I write to?

    Those are fine. Tiny credit lines (one I think was only $300, the other $500) that I used once to get the 15% off deal on a large purchase, if I remember correctly... Then never used again and now don't want.

    I don't mind them being on the report, I just want them marked closed.
  6. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Who do I write to?

    Call the creditor directly - but if your concerned about your credit score dropping most likely it will if you close them.

    Good Luck!!

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