who has 2 orchard bank cards?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pauly, Oct 27, 2000.

  1. pauly

    pauly Guest

    Does anyone here have 2 orchard cards?If so was the second card any better than the first one as far as credit limit,annual fee?I have one card with a credit limit of 300.00 and an annual fee of 69.00.I have had this card for 10 months without a credit increase so i'm thinking of applying for a second card.Comments?
  2. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    RE: who has 2 orchard bank car

    I have two orchard cards. I received the second card in 11/98 with a $300 credit limit. At that time the credit limit on the first was $4,000. Now the credit limit on the first is $4,700 and the second is $1,600.
  3. Desmond

    Desmond Guest

    RE: who has 2 orchard bank car

    I have two orchard bank mastercards. I received 1 in Nov that other one in Jan all with the same credit line until 2 months ago they gave me a $100.00 increase. The apr is the same on both but the annual fee is different.
  4. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: who has 2 orchard bank car

    My daughter has two Orchard Bank Mastercards. Her initial limit on the first one was $300, but the initial limit on the second one was $1000.
  5. r

    r Guest

    Question for Doris K

    Doris--How long did your daugther wait before applying for the 2nd card and what kind of credit did she have. Did she have poor credit or was it just that she had no credit history prior to the Orchard Card?
  6. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Question for Doris K

    At the time, her credit was very poor on all three reports. I remember that she had applied online, and after waiting about 4 to 6 weeks without having heard from them, she applied again online. She received the first card, thinking it was the only one she would get. About two weeks later, she received the second card.

    This was JUST before Household Bank bought out Orchard, so I'm not sure how they are now when it comes to getting more than one card. So far, she's had no complaints about the service she's received from them.

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