I have been trying for about a month to PFB Cap one and I keep getting an error. i want Mr. Cooke to get it, but i am a little nervous in calling him on this. Quixote- This is about the reporting problem we had chatted about a while back. I was wondering if someone could PFB it for me? I have tried with AOL browser and IE browser and neither are working.
KHM, I contacted Mr. Cook via PFB last month regarding 2 issued on my Cap 1 card. As usual he resolved the matter immediately. However, it took him about 3 weeks to get back to me. What I normally do is send my request through PFB and also fax the same request to their corporate office. I wouldn't be nervous about talking to Eugene Cooke, he's a great guy. The best of luck to you. P.S. Timmy PFB=Planet Feedback
Sorry for the delay. I hadn't noticed the thread. I have sent e-mail to him at webinfo@capitalone.com and put "Attn. Eugene Cooke" in the subject line and he has responded. He's a real decent guy. I wouldn't be afraid to talk to him, even if you are bound to disagree with each other. He's very professional about that stuff. No ugliness at all. Good luck.
Quixote- Hmmm, now I'm wondering. i originally sent an email to webinfo@capitalone.com put ATTN: Euguene Cooke and he never responded so I just assumed the email was a no-reply one. I sent the letter I am trying to send now..... I will try it again. BTW Quixote, Not sure if you remember but we have/had the same problem with Cap one, they can't report right....Hope mine goes as well as yours did.
Here ya go: http://www.planetfeedback.com/searc...=1&company=capital+one&image2.x=16&image2.y=8 The very specific Cap1 PFB link. Send it and call him in about 3 days. Don't be afraid, he's cool. Good luck KHM.
Butch- Hey thanks, but it still isn't working for me HOWEVER, I sent it again thru webinfo@cap..... and I got a confirmation email, so this time it looks promising. Thanks again Butch! BTW, NanaC rocks!!!!