Hi Gang, Today (the 16th mind you) I signed up for CreditExpert for Experian. I noticed a hard from; DMCCB PO Box 29468 Phoenix, AZ 85038 Requested YESTERDAY, the 15th. Who are these people? Anybody know? The inq. literally says: "Permissable Purpose. This inquiry is scheduled to remain on record until 9/2004." I can't see how this would have anything to do with my sign up today, since the inq occured yesterday. ??????
www.dmccb.com or www.directmerchantsbank.com A division of the Metris Copmanies...which also issues the Western Union Mastercard.
Did you ever have an Exxon card or any other card from GE? DMCCB bought out a lot of their cards a while back. It would be "Permissible Purpose" if this is the case.
Nope, I figured out what happened. They called me about 10 days ago to telemarket their card to me. I had a LOOONG convo. with both the agent and the varifier. I repeated 4 seperate times (2 each to both guy's) that I am NOT authorizing an inq. Every time, they said there has already been one that's why they're calling, and that I'm 99.999% guaranteed. So no need to do another inq. unless I activate the card. I have the entire convo. on tape, just like they do. Should have just told them to drop dead.
LOL, better check and see if you're getting a card, butch! Never ever talk to the telemarketers when they call about credit card. If you let them verify your address, you'll probably get an inquiry.
Sorry to bother you all, DMCCB is ignoring my calls and emails. Does anyone have their corp HQ phone number??? They're in Scottsdale AZ. Thanx,
EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAM Ronald N.Zebeck Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Joseph A.Hoffman EVP,Consumer Credit Card Marketing/Operations Matthew S.Melius EVP,Credit Risk Management http://www.metriscompanies.com/AboutMetris/Locations/Minneapolis.html Our headquarters office building is located at: 10900 Wayzata Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55305 For directions or more information about this facility, call (952) 525-5020. http://www.metriscompanies.com/AboutMetris/Locations/Scottsdale.html Our office building is located at: 17600 N. Perimeter Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85255 For directions or more information about this facility, call (480) 375-4000. "Metris Companies Inc.(NYSE:MXT)is one of the nation â??s leading providers of financial products and services.The company issues credit cards through its wholly wned subsidiary,Direct Merchants Credit Card Bank,N.A.,the 10th-largest bankcard issuer in the United States."
Good grief, I just got off the phone with "Cassie" at DMCCB, "We will pull a copy of that conversation and if we find that you did agree to allow us to pull the report there's nothing we can do." I said: Well MY copy of the conversation reveals that I instructed both the marketer AND the varifier that I DID NOT want a CR pulled, 5 separate times. Silence. LOL Well give us about a week or 2 and we'll let you know what we find out. Refused to give me the Phone number to HQ. Anybody have it??? Oh he also told me that Scottsdale is a suburb of Phoenix. Huh? lol
Butch, Try this one too: Metris Companies Phoenix AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 253-6442
Butch, I had a DMB card about 3 years ago. It was a secured while rebuilding. In order to get it reported to the cra's I had to fax a request to their "credit bureau dep't. Below is the # I used. It is the credit bureau dep't fax at Metris Corp. Hope it works. 918-610-7910 Metris Corp.