Thanks.......I knew the score seemed too low to be TU and too high to be EX or EQ, so I'm not sure myself.
Christi, How do you get a current/updated score thru ELOAN w/o creating a new account? Is there a way to refresh the info?
I just pulled my eloan score yesterday. It is still coming from TU. The free report comes from equifax. Also, as per eloan, I am almost there: 692.
Where exactly on their sited did you read that it came from equifax. If you get your score, underneath it says "get your free report". If you click that, the next page clearly states the score came from TU and the free report comes from equifax.
Taken directly from eloan after you click on "get your free report" Please note: Your credit score was based on a TransUnion credit report, whereas this free report is from Equifax. Although these reports are usually similar, there are often differences. Therefore, you may not see items described in your credit score analysis on this report. To order a TransUnion report for a fee, contact them directly.
That's interesting, because the scores between EQ and TU for me vary by about 80-100 points, and it clearly isn't TU...just my observation.
An FYI, the eloan score seems to be 60 -100 pts. higher than the TU joke of a score. (not for everybody though) My eloan score is much higher than the TU score. In fact, here's how screwy the TU joke score is, when my Target Visa started reporting, I got increases at both Equifax and Experian. TU dropped 14 points.
without a doubt e-loan pulls from TU> I pulled TU yesterday and 5 e-loan soft inq. are there. No e-loan inq's on eq and ex.
I pulled it for my husband first and it came from TU and it had that part about the score coming from TU part on the bottom of the page. But when I did myself, it said that my score came from creditexpert and it gave me all of the factors that made my score what it was etc. It had nothing about TU on the page and I wasn't looking at my credit report, just the score. It's weird.
I have inquiries on all 3 reports from It seems to change from time to time. I didn't have access today to any of my reports to be able to see who actually pulled it this time.
Creditexpert is Experian, not Equifax, but, if you re-read it, I think you'll find the score was composed by CreditXpert instead of Creditexpert.
lol, yes, i meant experian. And you are right about it saying CreditXpert. I thought I read the page thoroughly looking for a TU reference, but I couldn't find it. The page I got for my score was totally different than the one for my husband so that's how I became confused. Thanks.
It seems to me ELOAN has pulled both Experian and Transunion as one time I had a 580, the next a 526.
This is confusing.. My eLoan score came back as a 640. My scores as of last week: EQ: 613 TU: 676 EX: 616 What did they do, take a tri-merge? Heh, I can't figure out which CR they hit for the score.. jmart