I have no clue. I pulled hubbys eloan and it said 749!!! However TU has 5 CA's EXP has 3 30 day lates and one CA and EQU has 3 CA's I have a feeling it's EQU though, I disputed all 3 ca's and I got a report with them removed, then a few days later with them back on. So who knows!!
This was discussed before. The e-loan score is a proprietary formula that was invented by e-loan. Although the score is based upon the Trans Union credit file, it is not based upon the same formula used by Trans Union when they figure your official Trans Union "TransRisk" score that they provide consumers. (Nor does the e-loan score share anything in common with Trans Union's FICO-based "Empirica" score shared with creditors.) Even worse, the e-loan score doesn't even share the same scale used by Trans Union. The e-loan score tops out at 850, while the official Trans Union scores top out at 950. It would be as if I had my own proprietary score that I would figure and give you whenever you showed me your Trans Union credit file. I could call it the PsychDocâ?¢ Score. Just send me your Trans Union credit files, and I'll give you a score to wonder about. That's what e-loan does. Give the e-loan score about as much weight as you would the WorthKnowing or Privista scores. None of these are official in any way and are completely based upon home-grown formulas devised by the companies who provide them. Doc
Everything you have stated is true. I don't put much weight in the TU score they give us. I think it is way off and for the most part is a joke. Example, when my target visa started reporting, I got increases on both Equifax and Experian. The TU score dropped by 14 pts. When a student loan started appearing 6 months ago, my TU score dropped by - 14 pts. It appears that for every new acct. that reports on TU, my score drops by 14 pts. whereas it increases with the others. The only score you can really believe is the Equifax score. The TU and Experian scores they give us are nonsense scores they dreamed up to satisfy us. I also believe that the experian(creditexpert) score is much closer to reality than TU, although still not accurate.
LKH, well I agree with you that the Equifax score seems to be the most accurate. However, my point regarding e-loan is not a slam on Trans Union -- I'm just pointing out that the e-loan score is NOT provided by Trans Union at all. e-loan simply pulls your Trans Union credit file and then applies their own proprietary "e-loan"-invented formula and comes up with a score. In other words, if your point about Trans Union scores being baloney is true, then consider the e-loan score to be much worse! Doc
Exactly. E-loan has their creditxpert formula that is used to compile a score from the info contained in the TU report. I still believe that E-loan is much more accuratae than the score TU gives us. I have a perfectly clean TU report and the score they give me is pathetic. The e-loan score on the other hand seems much more realistic to me. Maybe I just want to believe that, but when comparing the TU score with my Equifax and Experian scores, something isn't quite right.
In a different thread I explained how excited I was when I obtained my eloan score. It was 626! Well I have just been disppointed. I pulled my score from the TU site and it was 75 points lower. It was nice to think I was in the 600 club for a few hours.
Strange.. Most people's eLoan score is higher than their TU score.. My eLoac score is ~50 points lower than my TU score.. Oh well, whatever.. jmart
Doesn't pulling your score from Elon create an inquiry?? Also, I pulled my Equifax report with a score from creditxperts before reading the fine print. The score they come up with is NOT an ACTUAL FICO score, rather a score derived using the same methods other computing formulas such as Beacon/Emporia use when calculating scores. When I pulled my TU score with my report directly from TU's site, the score was lower by 40 points!! I'm assuming the TU score is more accurate because it is an ACTUAL FICO score. Anyone care to comment?
As stated above, the TU score is not fico. It is a score TU created to make the consumer happy. I personally believe the E-loan score is a lot closer to reality than the TU.