Who is Kathleen Herman and why is

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by breeze, Nov 3, 2001.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    she pulling my credit report?

    I got a notification in the mail today from Creditwatch - a service I subscribe to - that a company (abbreviated name) Kathleen Herman with company bureau ID 3999888 had pulled my EXP report on 8/10/01, 9/1/01, and 10/1/01.

    There are no matching inquiries on the copy I am getting from CreditExpert.
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member


    Do you have a promotional block on your file? If so, FCRA violation :).... I don't know who that is....

    DOC! You crack me up sometimes... even if the Irish can not beat that damn ROCKY TOP!
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    breeze, here is a page from Kathleen Herman's online journal:


    I can't quite figure out why she's pulling your credit report, but I did notice that she doesn't much care for her sister.


    P.S. Sorry.
  4. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I had a collection agency trade on my reports that was just someone's name. It turned out it was an old dental bill.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I saw that!! LOL. It scares me. She is not a nice person.

  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    But there is no inquiry like this, soft or otherwise that I can see. Baffling.

    I don't owe anyone any money. I have PRM inquiries on there, but none on those dates, and none I don't recognize - I mean I have major companies only, and one of those list services. But nothing on those dates.

    Is there a list somewhere with subscriber's ID's?
  7. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    breeze,Didn't you just get a new job with an insurance company? Is it possible they performed a investigative credit check to met minimum bonding or licensing requirements for there company?
    Call exp and ask for the address and phone number of the person that pulled your report.They will give it to you.Good luck,

  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Yes, VJ, I did, however these all occurred before I even talked to Nationwide.

    I am going to fax Experian a copy of what I got and a note asking for an explanation. But, it's Saturday night, I can't call anyone, and I am going bananas!! LOL.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    LOL George!! Y'all are so silly.

    I only have Breyer's all natural Caramel Praline Crunch. It's on sale again. ;)
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Listen, I know who it is!! I remembered something right when I woke up (about 5 minutes ago).

    I post on 3 credit message boards, and I put my anonymous email up when I do. Sometimes I get emails from people who do not want to post for one reason or another - usually because of their employment. You would be amazed (or maybe you wouldn't).

    This gal works in a law office. She emailed me about a collection she was dealing with. Her name and the law firm were right on the email "from" address (I did not expand the headers to check however).

    I knew the name was ringing a bell, but I couldn't place it. I have deleted all the emails.

    We had a little exchange about where we both lived, and my first and last name are on my email, so it was simple enough to pull it.

    I am astounded and concerned that she did this, however. She seemed to be a consumer in trouble. As I said, nothing shows on my EXP report.

    Input, anyone??
  12. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Doc, that's got to be some other Kathleen Herman. The webpage you pulled up is a kid's online journal that hasn't been updated in nearly a year now. Looks like it's on a free website somewhere or a webpage she is sharing with somebody. All the links don't even work.

    I think you got the wrong Kathleen Herman.
  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    It was a joke, Bill!!!!

    sometimes you are dense, LOL.

  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I dug through my history file and found the law firm's website. So now I can email her again if I want to.

    What do y'all think I should do?

    This gal really did pull my report. I did not authorize it, she had no permissible purpose, we were just exchanging emails, after she got my name off a credit message board. These inquiries do not appear on my report from Experian in any form at all. She pulled it 3 times!!! in August, September, and October!!! She emailed me for the first time in September.

    Her email began like this..."I don't know who you are. I got your name off a message board about credit problems. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a question I hope you can answer...."
  15. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    What else could it have been but a joke?

    Dense? Well, there was once a song that went "It pays to be dumb, to be dense, to be ignorant." Lots of very intelligent people like Red Skelton, Fibber McGee, Lum and Abner, Jerry Lewis and tons more made untold millions being dense. I want people to think I'm dense. I learned a long time ago that it's pretty easy to be too smart for one's own good. People think you are one sharp cookie they will be on the lookout for you and you won't get away with much of anything. If they think you are dense, they tend to overlook you and don't pay much attention to what you do or how you do it.

    I just love the way the bill collectors howl when they finally realize that the dense old man they thought was too dumb to wake up and die right just hung them out to dry.
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Don't y'all dare take this thread off topic!! I want to know if I should do something about this.
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    "Earth to Mr. Bauer. Earth to Mr. Bauer. Come in Mr. Bauer."

  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    breeze, obviously "Kathleen Herman" had no permissable purpose in pulling your report even ONCE, much less three times. This is a scary situation indeed -- I would be concerned about potential identity theft.

    First, I would telephone the law firm -- and perhaps Kathleen Herman herself -- first thing Monday morning. Second, if you have an attorney I would call that person this weekend. (Ok, the second one's first, LOL, but I don't feel like retyping.) Then I would call Trans Union Monday as well. Consider taping the phone calls, and follow up with written letters. Keep vigilant about your other CRA files also. This is a terrible situation. I can't imagine why she or anyone would do something like that. :(

    Keep us posted, breeze.

  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Oh, he did that on purpose, Doc, so we would underestimate him, LOL.

    Any advice, Doc?????????????????????????????
  20. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Hahaha sorry, I should have know you were in the process of answering. :)

    I was wondering if I should perhaps be more subtle about it, and get even more documentation before taking action. Should I try to trap her, you think???

    My thoughts are running that way because I am afraid the CRA's, lawyers, and other bureaucrats will close ranks before I can get anything done about it.

    This is enough evidence for me, but it could be easily dismissed as an error at this point. Whatcha think?

    I did not save her emails (dumb and dumber).

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