Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why My mind is still swirling regarding why anyone would pull your file like that. Lord. Doc
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Breeze: That's scary. I allus figgered them thar experian fellers wuz kinda dense. If they wuz good at whut they duz theyda haddit on they sh**sheet too. She's kinda slow too, ain't she? Took her a month to figure out what to do with the info once she got it. That's it. Took her a month to figger out how to word her email so you wouldn't tumble to the fact she pulled your credit report. So what was her burning bush question, how to walk and chew gum at the same time? Yeah, Breeze, I know. I'm dense, but what I can't figure out is how come you posted the answer to your own question then asked us to tell you what to do???? You already know I'm dense, so what are you trying to do now, find out just exactly HOW dense I am? LOL
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Actually, Bill, her question was about dealing with a collection agency after she had already made arrangements over the phone to pay. The debt was past the SOL, too!! I gave her some advice, and then I gave her your email. I told her you were a little dense, and that you had a "one note song" to sing, but that your "one note" was very effective. Maybe she pulled your report also, hehe.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why There are some very smart people on this board, and some objective feedback might provide more insight than I can muster since I am pretty angry right now.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why What I can't figure out is why some people get angry when you are just trying to have a little fun with them. Or my leg, one or the other. Maybe both. LOL
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why psychdoc: ET Phone home. ET phone home ET phone home. Used to be an old joke about ET phone home. Wish I could remember it. LOL
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why I am not angry with you, I am angry about this lady pulling my credit report.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Another thing about this. This lady pulled my report in August. I did not correcpond with her until much later. I wonder how she got my name if she contacted me based on a message board post..... I know I deleted myself from all reverse lookup directories. I just checked, I there is no record when I put in that email address. My conclusion: she had to get my name somewhere else.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Breeze: Thanks for telling me. I was afraid I had offended you somehow and I really feel bad if I offend someone. I don't blame you for being angry with her. I'd just send the CRA a dispute letter claiming impermissable purpose. That should take care of the problem unless you wanted to sue her for it which I tend to think you could do as well. Maybe not, I don't know. Maybe it isn't worth that much bother. Have a nice day today and a better one tomorrow and enjoy the both of them in the best of health.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why IMHO: She could do a helluva lot of DAMAGE. She could file a change of address with Breeze's info and create a new identify for herself.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Ummmm Breeze... This isn't funny AT ALL....!!! Now you no me .... I always think the worst... being a fraud victim. And I hope nothing bad comes out of this AT ALL....!!! However .... I wanted to let you know the person who stole my information pulled MY CR 4 times (different months). After having a police report and a investigation. I later found out that it wasn't even her real name was an alias!!!! (she had several names and 3 others helping her) This is why I find it very alarming that someone would try to ask you for help THEN pull your CR. It sounds very suspicious to me..!! ***WORD OF WISDOM.... My biggest problem was.. Company credit cards. THESE DO NOT SHOW UP ON YOUR CR and I had a HARD time figuring out what this person had taken out in my name..!! I had to go through my inquires and see what companies had pulled my CR. THEN.. call their fraud debt and tell them my situation, fax my police report THEN find out if they had anything in my name.. IT WAS HORRIBLE.. !!!!! When I tell people of this... they think HOW can this happen..... WELL After few years and lots of research I can tell you how (simple as possible and w/out naming names) ....... This person(s) opened up a bogus corporation (online). Then they applied for Business CC's (only online). They had me as the VP of this Bogus company and being responsible for the cards. The done everything Online.....!!! The only item they actually meet with a person to get was a Lease on a car...!! NO BULL $hit....!!! TO top it off... they just got the car back... it's been two years.......!!!!! This person ONLY opened up ONE personal CC in my name and then ADDED 3 people as AU. I had a DMB card that they got the number on and used it to purchase air line tickets, car rentals, and hotel. WHAT makes it so bad... I was using my card in another state at THE SAME TIME with in minutes (NEVER having and A.U. on my card) and DMB never even flagged it or questioned it!!! Most of the cards where later seized from the mailing address. They found five cards (same issuer) they all had the bogus company name on them and five different bogus employee names...!! The police never got them ... b/c they had already fled in the car they leased in my name. I later found out they where in Texas b/c they tried to rent an apartment in my name. (My fraud alert kicked in and I got the call from the apartment complex) It has been one hell of a ride...!!! Breeze... I do not want to scare you but I want to let you know as well as other what can happen..!! I know from personal experience that my CR didn't reflect much.. only inquires and where the person had pulled my CR. Just make sure you dot all of your I's and cross all of your T's so this doesn't happen to you.!!
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Thanks for the good advice, MG and Katco. I know it is important. That is why I am upset. The inquiries are only on this notice from the credit monitoring company. How do I go about finding out what it is? My fear is that the credit bureaus do not want to deal with these things. I am afraid they will stonewall me without more information, or more concrete proof.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Send me an email breeze and I'll tell you one way you might be able to put an end to any possible stonewalling. And no, I won't try to turn you into a creditwrench customer in the process. LOL
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Breeze I would contact the CRA and try to find out as much information as possible. I would try to get the mailing address and phone number if possible. Then... I would write to Her (or the company she is using to pull your report) and threaten a law suit...!!! Demand the inquires be removed from your CR. *** This way... she will know that you are aware of what she has done. (hopefully that would stop her if she was THINKING of fraudulent activity)*** I know what you mean about being stone walled. More than likely.. If you go into details with them...They will try to add a Fraud alert. I wouldn't let that happened if you would rather monitor your CR on-line!! So... be calm with the CRA and attack it like you see it...!! PLEASE Keep me posted...!!!!!!
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why It's not on my report - not the one I see anyway. I have another monitoring service. They monitor all 3 reports and notify me if anything happens. That's one of the weird things about this. I have creditexpert - I check it regularly - nothing. The funny thing is, when I saw the envelope from this other monitoring servie, I thought "I ought to cancel this, it's worthless." They just changed my mind!!! I will keep you posted. You're one of the best resources I know of when it comes to fraud and how to handle it.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why I would contact my state police and ask how they deal with a potential identity theft. I would also contact the fraud department of each of my creditors and report that my information has been compromised by someone who contacted me directly. I would not wait until Monday. Hope it works out alright.
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why amaineman.. sorry that's not going to work! This women has done nothing illegal like ID theft and etc..!!! IF Breeze called the police they would laugh in her face..!! They have no grounds to DO anything to this lady...!!! The only thing this women has done is violate Breeze's Right by pulling her CR w/out her permission.. Try taking that to the police and see what they tell you!! Breeze ..... the sad part is having to wait!! But if you take the right steps.... you will stop it early and clear your name!! Breeze.... what is this other monitoring service that you have? I think I need to give them a try...!!!! Even though it's not showing up on the CR doesn't mean that it wont later. If it doesn't ... try contacting directly to see if they can help you..! It's worth a try..!!
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Breeze if this woman works in a law firm, especially one that might be a collection law firm, I am sure there are special search engines they can use to locate a person's info. I would definitely expose her now before she does any damage if she already hasn't. The CRA should have a number for her as a credit subscriber. Good luck, and best regards! Cypri
Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why Right! The potential for the abuse is there. I was trying to help her. She asked me some questions about what I did and I told her - but sheesh!! She already had my credit report. I think that is abusing her priviledges with the CRA. Now that I am with Nationwide, I can pull credit, MVR, and insurance loss history reports too. I wouldn't dream of doing anything like this!! Thinking it over, I will go through all the correct procedures in case someone wants to give me a hard time. It's frustrating writing instead of faxing, but having that signed return receipt to hand someone is worth it. The third party monitoring service is American Express' CreditAware. If you have an AmEx card, you can get it from them. If you do not have an AmEx card, you can still get it at - it's $7.95 a month through AmEx, $9.95 a month otherwise. They just earned their money!!!