Who is Kathleen Herman and why is

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by breeze, Nov 3, 2001.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I think you are right. I know there are ways to find someone. And I am all over the web, most of it using the same nick. However, still to find my real name from that - I wonder what they really can do.

    Don't we have some collectors on here?? I will post and ask one what kind of search capabilities are available. Lordy, I'm glad I don't owe any money, LOL.

    You're right, my first thought was actually that I didn't want to cause her to lose her job. But I guess she is the one who did that, huh? Strange how my mind works sometimes.

    I have the subscriber number. I wish there was a place to look it up.

  2. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Call the bureau Breeze.

    Tell them this person with such and such business may have had unauthorized access and you want a phone number to contact them.

    Did you have anything on your credit at the time, I know this will sound crazy but maybe she was trying to mess with your report and then later use it as hers, why else would she pull it three times unles she was monitoring your credit for her own means, Its just a crazy scenario but I am thinking since she pulled it before meeting you and then 2 after that, she obviously was doing for other means.

  3. Katco

    Katco Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I'm law enforcement(fraud div) DO NOT CONTACT this person. First ask the Credit Bureau and if you suspect it is fraud then tell them so, then call the police and report it. You need the info of who it is from the Credit Bureau to file the report.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    CALL EXPERIAN MONDAY AM AND ASK FOR INFORMATION...address of business, and phone number...
    1-800-583-4080 (M-F 9-5)

    When you get the information from EXPERIAN, call the business and ask for "WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE"...and it better NOT be KATHLEEN HERMAN, if it is hang up?

    It is POSSIBLE it is just a "FILE MERGING"...

    You may be lucky enough that EXPERIAN may just DELETE it right then. They also could get on the phone and call for you and ask "THEIR AUTHORITY TO PULL YOUR REPORT"...
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why


    One thought on how they might have gotten your name.

    When you and I have traded e-mails once or twice off of the boards, I noticed that your Yahoo! acount sends out your First and Last names as the sender, rather than your screen name or just your e-mail address. Is there any way to change your settings at Yahoo!?

    Don't worry;BTW, your secret is safe with me. Far be it from me to unmask a Superhero. ;o)
  6. Katco

    Katco Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why


    Breeze stated that she had talked with this woman thru several e-mails. I'm confused as to how it could be merged reports?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Never mind...
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I noticed that too. Quixote and I are now in a secret club with you. Who wants to make up the secret handshake?
  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Why wait for monday for the info.... Experian's online reports provide it if you click the creditor's name....
  10. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    You two work on that while I'm traveling this week (San Diego to Boston to New York and back), but I've got the name for it. The "Brother Sam Adams Travelin' Credit Salvation Show". (Sam Adam is on of my favorite beers; next to Karl Strauss, whom nobody outside of the San Diego area has heard of.)

    Have a good week all! I'll check in when/ if I can. Good luck, Breeze!
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Oh, wow!! terrific help, thanks y'all.

    I know how she found me before exchanging emails - I've been playing around with different search engines. Really I have never hidden online, but I haven't divulged enough info for anyone to put 2 and 2 together - I thought.

    I have a website - it has a guestbook - I had to register to get the guestbook using my real email here at my ISP which is first initial, last name@myisp. I post on other boards using first name only. And yes, I have my name on my email return addy. Many of you know me on the other boards and know my first name from there also. Well, yahoo search engine pops all this up on the same page if you search for my yahoo username (the first part of my email). Voila!!! you have my full name and location.

    I am like bill bauer, LOL, if you look around a little you can even see where I live and what I look like. I have been online since 1991 and I have never had a problem before.

    IMO this lady is definitely up to something. Finding my real name took some effort.
  12. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    I'm traveling too! Hope you and I have safe trips. Looks like Breeze is the one that is going to make up the secret handshake. I'm sure I'll like it! LOL

  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Definitely!! I agree.

  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    My experian report is clean as a whistle. Just a short credit history (1996).

    TU and EFX have the paid tax liens on them, but they would still be useful to someone looking to commit fraud.
  15. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Thanks. I won't contact her. Can I report this as fraud to law enforcement when no crime has been committed? It's always possible (although I am kind of suspicious) that she just wanted to check me out. I was curious why she would ask me legal questions when she had lawyers she could have asked.

    LOL, they know me down at the police operations center, I have had my fingerprints done so many times (insurance licenses and criminal background checks for different states).

    I do have ID theft insurance, to cover related expenses. Whew! glad I got that!

  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Safe travels, Erica and Quixote!! I will devise a handshake and have it reay when you return, ;)
  17. curiouser

    curiouser Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why


    If I am a bit forceful in this message, I'm sorry. I was a victim of identity theft. My wallet was stolen in 1987; it took me over ten years to clear up that nightmare.

    Get on top of this issue now and stay on top of it. This invasive lowlife had no reason to access your credit file; go after her with all the legal force you can muster.

    Contact the bureau and tell them that she had did not have your express or implied permission to access your report. Demand that they give you or your attorney her subscriber information. I'd also consider putting a fraud alert on your file.

    Second, get an attorney involved. He will be better able to determine the legal ins and outs of the state and federal law on this issue. Also, the bureaus and anyone else you have to deal with pay more attention when a lawyer is involved.

    Third (don't laugh at this one), contact the FTC about this. Here's why. About five years ago I had a friend pull my credit report when I was just about at wit's end with the identity fraud. He was a financial investigator for the LA District Attorney's office. For whatever reason, his pulling the credit report triggered some sort of random audit by the FTC. He's gone through a couple of these before so he wasn't concerned. Before because he was investigating potential criminal activity, he had a "permissible purpose" and the FTC said "no problem." Not this time, the FTC denied that he had a "permissible purpose" and gave him a very harsh reprimand. They wouldn't rescind the reprimand until I filed an affadavit with them saying that I had given him "express oral permission" to pull my credit report.

    Fourth, file a formal complaint with the State Bar of wherever she is licensed to practice law.

    This person may not have any criminal intent, but you don't know that. Who knows what she wants. What you want is her to be stopped. She is the enemy. Do what you have to to annhilate the threat. If she loses her job, if she goes to jail, if the FTC fines her, if she is repremanded by the state bar; her f***ing problem--not yours. Decent people don't traipse through other people's financial records on a whim.

    Good luck. Let us know what happens.
  18. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Breeze, cra subscribers and affiliates must be approved and certified by each cra as having a permissible purpose to be able to pull a credit report, per FCRA's.

    Here's Va statue on if its a crime.(Note to Self -Call insurance agent monday a.m. regarding theft of identity insurance)

    Take a look at some general subscriber agreements.

    Very Best of Luck , Breeze.

  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    Thanks again, y'all. You're right, she is the one causing her own problem. Probably thought I would never know.

    VJ, that is very interesting. in VA it is a class 1 misdemeanor to even pull a report without permissible purpose. Two strikes and they're out - that becomes a felony. Wow!!

    This board is something else!!
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Who is Kathleen Herman and why

    breeze, I just checked out the link to your monitoring service and they claim to use Trans Union:

    "â?¢ Your personalized credit profile contains all the information in your credit file at TransUnion as it is viewed by lenders."

    Perhaps she's pulled your Trans Union report, which of course CreditExpert wouldn't indicate.

    (I'm hoping to have helped solved the CRA part of the mystery at least, but maybe life isn't so simple.)

    Keep us posted!


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