Who is sallie may?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ariellesma, Mar 9, 2002.

  1. ariellesma

    ariellesma Active Member

    I have a student loan problem. I was told to get it checked w/ sallie may. Can someone please tell me how to get in touch w/ sallie may? This is a federal student loan. Thanks, Kim
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Sallie Mae is a lender/secondary loan holder... I don't thing they can help you unless they are holding your loan... I think that the Dept. of Ed. ombudsman is probably the office you should get in contact with if you do not have Sallie Mae loans. I may be wrong...maybe someone else knows... is there some kind of student loan support division at Sallie Mae (that helps even those without Sallie Mae loans) that I don't know about??
  3. ariellesma

    ariellesma Active Member

    Here is what I have going on :

    Trans and equifax show 3 pif loans from dept of edu(late but paid)

    Experian shows 3 pif loans from dept of edu (late but paid) and 1 loan from federal direct student loan that is still owing 350
    This was for the same exact ammount as one of the dept of edu loans (orginally taken out for $3500)

    I was unaware of this other loan? Is federal direct and dept of edu the same? I wonder why it isnt on my other reports? I never get bills or anything from them? But they supposedly verified according to experian

    So another poster told me to contact sallie may?

    TIA, Kim
  4. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    direct student loans do not involve banks... they are made directly by the government...they offer all of the same loans as lender do, including stafford and PLUS. Did you go through a lender for the loans you already paid off?
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    try searching "salliemae" they should have phone numbers for you to contact.

    try this 1-800-331-2314. this is for post claim assistance with defaulted studen loans. the web site is www.salliemae.com and the email is pca@salliemae.com.

    even though my loans were for another guarantor, sallie mae (through the dept of ed) had information on my loans. from what you are explaining, they should be able to help you.

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