Who is this?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anna, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Today I recieved a pretty little postcard telling me to call someone by the name of Pat Parker. It's an 800 number - can't locate it on any phone searches. I suspect it may be from Vengroff, Williams, and Asses(ha, ha), as they showed up on my caller ID on Saturday. I don't know who they would be collecting for, but I've delt with them in the past, and I'm sure that whatever it is, it's past the SOL anyway. If anyone would like to help, the # is 1-800-401-4525. Thanks!
  2. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    If I were you I would just call em up.

    § 808. Unfair practices [15 USC 1692f]
    A debt collector may not use unfair or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt. Without limiting the general application of the foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section:

    (7) Communicating with a consumer regarding a debt by post card.
  3. pulse

    pulse Guest

    It's Heritage Marketing it's a sweepsstake company.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Anna, when I dialed the number, a man answered "Heritage Marketing." I asked to speak with Cynthia Loach. :)

    the man: "I'm sorry, there's no Cynthia Loach here, I don't think."

    me: "Oh, gosh, are you sure?"

    the man: "Yes, I think so."

    me: "Well, um, Cynthia works for a mortgage company in collections. Is that your company?"

    the man: "No, we're a company that does telephone promotions for other companies. Right now we have a sweepstakes..."

    me: (cutting him off) "Gosh, sorry, I thought for a minute that maybe Cynthia had changed companies. Thank you."

    Anna, it may not be a collector, but it sounds like a telemarketing scam regardless.

  5. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    Anna - Why not go to a pay phone and call and see who answers? I think any calls made to a toll-free number will reveal your phone number to the receiver of your call on the other end. I've read that companies have software that "traps" the caller's telephone number, even if you have your # blocked. Also, there are several toll-free prefixes now other than just the originally "800", so you're wise to beware. Of course, if they already called your home number, they have that. But imagine if you returned their call from your work number. Also, didn't I read here that collection agencies aren't allowed to use postcards?
  6. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys! I was too chicken to call myself. When I recieve my prize money, I'll divie it up!
    On meeeeeellllion dollars.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    PAY PHONE...

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