Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lmckenzie, Jun 27, 2002.

  1. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    If you struck out the first time, wouldn't it make sense to try time and time again with the same letter? Most of these companies have dozens (hundreds?) of Reps - maybe a more sympathetic one would handle.

  2. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    Providian - NO *and* they send you a letter telling you it's illegal (or unethical) to ask them to change your credit history.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't


    By what law???
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't


    Where ya been?
  5. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    I have to do a major revision from my previous post. The day I say that Lowes/Monogram bank are major a**es, I get a letter from them that they are deleting all deregoatory information from my account!!!! 4-30 days and 2-60 days. I wrote them over 5 times and they always wrote back saying they couldn't change accurate info. You are so right, just getting it to the right person. I'm writing a letter tot he person who made this decision and am going to thank them for working with me. This account was closed by them and they said they cannot re-open it BUT they still removed ALL lates. This is one of my worst tradelines. The CSR even included copies of the individual letters they are sending to all the CRA. I guess even the major pains surprise you sometimes. Now I just have to keep working on Countrywide.

    Lowes/Monogram -- Yes
  6. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    Discover Card sent me a letter stating that they cannot remove the negative history from my account as it would "compromise the integrity of the credit reporting bureaus...". Integrity? Are they serious???
  7. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    I only did one:

    MBNA - Yes!
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Cap 1 - Nopie

  9. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    I would like to know if anyone has sent a goodwill letter to a mortgage company with positive results. Also, for those who have sent letters, how long before you heard back? Thanks!
  10. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Re: Who the GOODWILL letter doesn't

    I would love to hear if someone ever made progress with Countrywide with a "goodwill letter"..
  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    MASSIVE Update!!

    Cap one finally responded to my goodwill lttr but it took a second one asking why they ignored my first.

    I got more than I thought I'd get.

  12. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Countrywide- NO
  13. ef

    ef Well-Known Member

    Cap1- worked for me!
  14. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    for those who have had good results with MBNA, where did you send your letter? or did you use PlanetFeedbacK? I have a letter ready for them, just wanna make sure it goes to the right place, thanks!
  15. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    I had good result with Consumer Finance Corporation.
  16. MEinSoCal

    MEinSoCal Well-Known Member

    Where can i get a copy of this goodwill letter? I noticed it wasn't in the sample letters folder. Can someplease email a link to where to find this.

  17. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Providian- Nope. And I sent them documentation of the medical calamity that caused the 2 lates.

    Hey, whoever got Sallie Mae to change their lates, please tell me who you wrote to and your circumstances! Thnaks1
  18. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    I sent mine to the executive offices in DE. I sent it attention Al Lerner, Chairman MBNA Corp.
  19. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    click on the link that says Credinet unofficial FAQ. It's at the top of the threads on the first page. You will find a few goodwill letter samples.
  20. Goaldriven

    Goaldriven Well-Known Member

    Check out "Goodwill Letter evolution" by PsychDoc on 6/14

    PsychDoc | 2167 posts since Jun 2001 | 06.14.2002 @ 08:32

    Here's a history lesson for those who are interested. :) (Ok, the person that yawned can close the
    thread NOW, lol.)

    marci, way back last year on 05.29.2001 @ 11:20, lol, posted what she called her "sample Letter
    paid CO." Her original Letter began "I am writing a Letter about my experience with Citibank NA
    that is a mixture of a grateful 'thank-you' a pressing request" then asked them to "give me a second
    chance at a positive credit rating." I think the Letter may well have been the first time I ever saw
    anybody here take the nice approach so effectively. :) Here's the link to that post (well worth
    reading -- I hope marci will forgive my effusive compliments, but this is one of the all-time great

    At the point she wrote that Letter (May 2001), the conventional wisdom here was that you probably
    shouldn't bother worrying about a paid account because -- the logic went -- IF IT'S PAID, YOU'VE
    LOST YOUR LEVERAGE. Of course, what marci suspected at the time (i.e., if it's paid, you STILL
    haven't lost your leverage) was foreign to most of us who lurked the credit boards. Keep in mind that
    this Letter predated my nutcase Letter (which I devised based upon stuff learned as a grasshopper
    student of Bill Bauer's an avid reader of John Gliha's approaches at DueProcess.org) by many
    months. Then, later, Bill Bauer came up with his own approach to paid collections (previously he had
    dealt only with unpaid accounts). recently, DanceRat came up with a TERRIFIC approach toward
    paid accounts with bad tradelines that emphasizes legal soundness, described elsewhere on this
    board. But it goes without saying that marci's Letter was really the progenitor of the "Goodwill
    adjustment" Letter the nutcase Letter.

    It wasn't until many months later that I stole (borrowed, lifted, LOL) key aspects (ok, the "key"-est
    aspects) of marci's "sample Letter paid CO" modified it for the express purpose of dealing with
    fully-paid accounts which had always been in good standing but had suffered small dings. It was a
    Sears rep who told me at the time, "Oh, sure, we call those 'Goodwill adjustments' or 'courtesy
    adjustments' we consider those requests from time to time." The very idea that I might be able to
    clear minor 30 60 day late pay history without having to dispute the notations with the CRAs was a
    revelation to me. (Hell, they never said anything about it in Michael Kielsky's "Electronic Credit
    Repair Kit" -- lol.) So, true to marci's approach, the Letter began, "I am writing a Letter about my
    experience with Sears that is a mixture of a grateful 'thank-you' a pressing request" included the
    "wake-up call," but then I went on to beg for "redemption at Sears" even included the word "beg"
    LOL among other base grovels. I wondered if marci would object to even being associated with such
    unapologetic grovelling, but luckily she approved (I think, lol). In January 2002, I posted the
    resultant "Goodwill Letter" here:

    In May, marci posted something she called her "Get Rid of Clutter Letter" which used entirely new
    language (no "pressing request" lol) but was an effective twist on the theme -- aimed specifically at
    deleting relatively new but deleted tradelines (the result of Citibank BDDs, for Example). This Letter
    hasn't received the play it deserves -- it should be referenced in the FAQ, I think. For anyone who
    missed it, here's the link:

    Next, schweb posted his version of the Goodwill Letter using completely different language,
    something that is extremely important in order to keep the same Letter from becoming "recognized"
    by creditors. Here's that link:

    Finally, last week, helpwanted posted a well-revised Goodwill Letter (you can see marci's "pressing
    request" linguistics weaving right through from her original "sample Letter paid CO" to the present,
    lol) but specifically aimed at student loan providers:

    I'm an advocate for both "honey" "vinegar" -- whichever works. On the other hand, if you browse
    messages on this board which predate marci's "sample Letter paid CO" you'll be hard-pressed to
    find much "honey." (Grandma always said you can attract flies with honey much better, ahem.)
    Anyway, now that tone of voice has evolved into several excellent, targeted credit repair tools in our
    collective arsenal here. Who knows what mysterious personality shard led marci to try being nice to
    the creditor creeps (perhaps she'll consent to a longitudinal personality study, lol), but it worked
    has continued to work for so many of us in several different ways.

    (So, this posting is "a mixure of a grateful 'thank you' ..." er... sometimes it's important to know
    when to stop. I clearly haven't learned that lesson, ahem. I'll stop now, lol.)


    P.S. Surely this interested someone out there, cough, cough. If not, maybe the links will introduce a
    newbie to something new anyway.

    Good wisdom never gets forgotten. Thanks Doc.

    Back to the question. Does the Goodwill work with FCNB or Genesis Financial?

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