I was listed as an authorized user on all three credit reports for my sons Capital One card. I have had two credit bureaus delete by disputing as "NOT MINE". But one credit bureau keeps verifying! Any suggestions? I had a suggestion to send a letter stating " I was only an authorized user and NOT responsible for payment of the account. Please delete this account from all my credit reports and send evidence of deletion to me within 5 days". Does this sound ok to send to creditor? I seem to remember reading an article that said an authorized user could request to be removed at anytime, so why is it so hard to get the credit bureau to delete?
Authorized users should be the easiest to remove, I was listed as an authorized on an account that was charged off and it came off all three with no problem after I wrote to the original creditor. Send OC a letter stating to remove the account, it does not belong to you...my guess they'll send you a letter saying they did you a favor because they have every right to report but that they will delete.
Great advice! Dealing with the OC is the best bet in this situation, since you have already disputed with the CRA. Either call, or maybe a personalized version of the "goodwill adjustment" letter may work.