Who would you guys recommend for

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, May 25, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    Well, I tried it George. After hitting the submit button, I got "thankyou for applying for the" and it didn't show any product. It then said I would be advised later on their decision. But then, another page came up that said they apologize for any inconvenience as their website would be undergoing general maintenance between 0300 - 0300 E.D.T.
    I checked both Exp. and Equifax but neither shows an inquiry. So, I don't know if it went thru or not.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    TRY AGAIN???
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    Call them - they can probably recall your app from their system, and tell you what happened.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I did call, and the moron rep. had no clue. He told me I had to wait at least 3 - 5 days for the app to come thru. I'll try calling again. Every time I have applied for citi they have pulled Exp. I just checked again and still no inquiry. I can't get a new report at Equ. because they are again having problems.
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    Bypass the morons, try one of these:

    Citibank phone directory:

    Consumer Credit Processing (CCP) (Underwriters dept.): 800-925-2484
    Credit Services: 301-733-5501
    Credit Services, FAX: 301-714-5958, 301-790-4647
    Early Warning: 877-296-0187
    C2it.com: (800)-200-3881 or collect: 904-954-7772
    Application on the phone: 800-248-4226
    Citibanking: 800-374-9700
    Credit Bureau Disputes, FAX: 605-330-6780
    Credit Card Customer Service: (800) 950-5114, or collect: 605-335-2222

    I think the credit for this info goes to Saar, but not sure....
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I tried one of the #'s from their website last night. I was then given this # for the credit dep't. 800-456-4277. I'll keep trying these #'s til I get a reasonable explanation. However, that may take the rest of my life.
  8. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I tried it myself a few days ago.. Ill keep you guys posted.
  9. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    What happened???? I'm dying to know!!!
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I have no idea. I've tried calling several ph #'s and they are telling me the dep't I need to speak with is closed to is closed today.
  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    This is almost as good as General Hospital. LOL
  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I just checked creditexpert again, and sometime this afternoon they pulled my report. So, I think what happened last night was they couldn't get access to my report for instant approval. I'll have to call tomorrow to find out any results.
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    And now that Creditexpert updated, I lost the 4 pts. I gained from the deletion of my 1 hard inquiry. Oh well, easy come, easy go.
  14. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    1 INQ or 2?
    1 app or 2?
    what result?
  15. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    Wow. Nice credit portfolio.

    Cap1 Plat has some of the best rates at 8.9 FIXED but I wouldn't take the Kmart variety... I'd just do a regular Plat app then use pfb to get a better loc and terms if you don't immediately get the 8.9 fixed rate.

    We've all had good success combining Cap1 cards but you can't do anything with the Kmart variety card so it's less useful than the regular Plat.

    MBNA Quantum has been good also with no annual fee but their best rate is 10.9 I believe.
  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo



  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    This time around because of their malfunction, (it couldn't pull a report online at the time I applied) so it was 1 app, 1 inquiry, and they say initially I am approved for the gold aa card. They said it is in review as they are checking my current acct with them to make sure it is being handled "appropriately". The rep said assuming it is ok, I will be approved.
  18. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    LKH, How about Yahoo or Generations? They give generous limits. Charlie
  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    I'm actually considering a FUSA card. Generations I don't know, didn't I read a day or 2 ago something about how they figure credit limits? Maybe it was another bank.
  20. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Who would you guys recommend fo

    its very bizarre that all of a sudden, for close to no reason at all, people just sort of assumed BDD didn't work and as a result nobody has tried the classic silver/gold combo for the last 4 mos.

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