I now believe that everyone here is correct in reference to gaining points when one hits a 2 year mark on one's account. My FICO went from 675 yesterday to 711 today! I am shocked! Is 711 a prime score? What services do I have available to me now that I have a 711 versus the 675. That is a 36 point jump for simply having 2 years of history! Wow, I am amazed and HAPPY!
SO YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STOLE MY 711... Yes 711 is considered PRIME...you can say 650+ is PRIME for "MOST" loans or credit cards... But then there are exceptions to every rule...
That is a 36 point jump for simply having 2 years of history! Wow, I am amazed and HAPPY! matty, do you mean the total length of credit history is now 2 years - or is it some accounts have aged to 2 years now. meaning what do you have in addition to these 2 year old accounts? do you have some older negative accounts?
Does anyone know if there are other "milestones" that may raise your credit score. For example, could there be additional big boosts at 5, 10, 15, etc. years...Or is it gradual aging effect (only minimal gains as your CR continuously ages past a certain point)?
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru I got a 13 point increase today because my mom's FUSA card (I'm an AU) hit 9 years.
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru congrats on the increase.... Have you thought about dropping the "y" part of your name? I think Matt sounds much more grown up than Matty. Just my opinion.
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru I have a car loan that is set to be paid off in one month. It is the longest tradeline that I have on file. Next month will be the 5th year. Are there any added bonus points to completely paying off a loan in full normally as scheduled (besides the obvious gains of paying on time)?
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru Erica - while i see your point - I think Matt (y) sounds more friendly and welcoming - while Matt sounds a little more abrupt. Marky LA
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru Cool...I wasn't trying to make any waves. I like Matty, as that is what I know you by here, so no biggie. I just know that some of the kids around here, changed their "name" back to their given one after graduation.
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru Sounds good! I have 2 accounts that'll hit that mark later this year. One of them would've been 3 years old but I got a new account number and they didn't retain my previous account year's history. Still excited to hear about the benefit though. Congrats!
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru Is the one or two year mark based on MONTH only (meaning if I opened card in April '02, today I would get boost) or exact day and month? Is there some benefit after an account hit one year mark? I see all of you got some at 2 year's.
Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is Tru Paying off car loans, at least with me, don't seem to do anything. I have a score of 590 now with 26 positives and 1 negative(paid chargeoff from 4 years agp). It would help if experian would actually report the CL instead of my high balance. It looks like I am maxed out. TU and EQ are reporting the correct info and I am quite certain EXP is doing this in retaliation for my lawsuit. Once I hear back from the OCs, and they verify it was not their end that did it, I am gonna file against EXP again. and again. and again.