Re: Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is True! I am confused! Not to dispute your knowledge, but according to almost everything I have read and my own personal experience, lenders typically categorize borrowers as being in the 'Prime' (least risk) lending category once their FICO score is 740 (760 for some lenders) and above! Michael
Re: Re: Whoa, 2 Year Score Boost Is i do believe that there must be point jumps every year or so after 2 years, and i am positive there must be one after 5.... 2 of my reports indicates that the only reason my score isn't higher is because my credit history is under 5 years.... the one which has my student loans (only ONE has them) shows a 7+ year history, and I have the highest score there (752). my friend's mother has had a 25+ year history (she hardly EVER uses credit but she has macy's cards which always seem to duplicate themselves on reports---i wonder why????) and she has a score WAYYY above 800....