Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Wow! I'm shocked. I actually made the list at #44. Got to start posting more to move up the list. Forget research, statistician is more the ticket for you, Doc. I think you might need more spice in your life. ROFL
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem It was work. Target. lol My phone only gets yahoo! Drats. I think my PDA can get the internet, though. I bought a little keyboard for it so I can really post quick, not with that dinky little stylus. lol
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Wow - the upper 9.8% - better than where I finished in my high school class, I think! Supershawn, I think you might be the number 2 entry on your list of Creditnetters with too much time on their hands, or maybe the most addicted creditnetters...hope the ham is tasty now that it's over what it had. My family would have some interesting comments about my addiction here. The teenagers have to fight me for use of the computer. I really mean it when I say I will be done in just a minute...
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Ok, you guys above 38.....I think that you guys are replying to those post.. as a deliberate attempt to de-throne me from my 38th position!!!!lol J/K I love this board..I would post more...but they may trace my call!!!!!! lol gotta love the "BIG EAR" Thanks for the stats...I made the list TWICE.. WOOHOO
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem I'm in 25th place! That's my lucky number. It's also my birthdate. It must be fate. Love the statistics, Doc. Dani PS I'm closing in on George. Another 3,356 posts and I have him beat (as long as he no longer posts).
Very entertaining. I do want to point out that this board has been around since at least 1996, it has taken different forms, all for the better. I really started posting around November '96.
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem You'd think after reading his last post, that I would've gotten my e-mail from Supershawn by now, but I guess since I didn't make the survey, he said "Why bother?"
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem THIS POST NEEDS SPECIAL RECONITION...PROBABLY NEVER WILL HAPPEN AGAIN??? 240/6593 This board is being watched LKH | 1094 posts since Apr 2000 | 09.06.2001 @ 14:43 I received a letter today in response to a letter I sent to TU last month. The last sentence was "I am also aware of your postings on the Creditnet member chat room; we reqwest that you refrain from any further libelous comments about Trans Union, or the matter will be referred to our counsel for appropriate action".
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem GEORGE - You are too funny!!! LKH - Did you see that someone brought up Bobby? LOL Psych Doc - Please, please don't get ambitious and count up Bobby's posts! Double LOL Actually, I have to be humble and state that I really did not do 1511 posts as reported. As Creditworks said - the board has been around since 1996. There have been a number of "Jim"s here. I (this Jim) arrived about a year ago. If I could do one thing different - I would not have used my first name as my moniker here. I would hve picked something unique like Psych Doc or Saar. Anyway Psych Doc - thanks for the fun. Thanks to the board for the $41K in additional credit I have opened since I joined. Best regards, Jim
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Interesting. Had to post a thank you to not only acknowledge your efforts but also to keep up with the George's. Maybe you could do a few other bits of research for us. I'd love to see research on the following: Average number of months it takes to go from subprime to prime. Average number of months it takes to get frustrated with Nextcard (ok, I know this one! 3... that's when your intro rate runs out). Average number and duration of drinks consumed while attempting credit line/terms upgrades with various card companies. How the drinks vary in potency and frequency depending on what company you're dealing with: Providian... 2-3 vodkas per retention call vs. 1 light beer with Cap1. You get the idea
I too have been around since about 97 and have seen this board go through some tremendous changes and growth. It has been a truly amazing experience. I would come for a while do some posting...but mostly lurking...and then leave when I no longer had time to devote here. It does seem that there are only a couple of the true originals here though I did notice that someone brought up Bobby and his multiple personas...I used to call him booby or bippy just to iritate him...I wonder if he is still in Mexico and how the food is in their jails...LOL Now I am starting to ramble and just want to say that someday I too may make Doc's top 100 list Brian
Wow! Interesting data! I didn't realize that I posted THAT much. I guess that's what happens when you are 4 months away from being laid off and have NOTHING to do at work all day but to read this board (sad but true) and chat with friends. Hey...I wonder if I can add Yahoo Messenger and AOL Buddy Professional Expert to my resume? Humm....
J. Edgar is in semi-retirement as far as posting on Creditnet frequently. I still read the board when I have time and I'll chime in when I think that I have something valuable to add, even if it's just one of my sarcastic remarks. Let's not forget some of the Creditnet Classics though: Kathy and her free computer Anything that has anything to do with 'Bobby' CreditCorp's so-called 'Gold Card' People who thought this was Customer Service for any one of a number of creditors. "I sent in my application and I've not gotten my card yet." "I haven't gotten my statement this month." etc. and my personal all time favorite, "They killed my puppy."
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Don't you get sick of the orange and white? Everywhere I go its about the Vols. The people here are nuts about them. The only fans more rabid are Florida's. At least the Tennessee fans are nice.
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem LOL! Anna- it wasn't that you didn't make the was because my dreams were shattered when I learned that you didn't have have a Russian accent nor did you play tennis.... But, I got over it. Check your inbox. Hope that helps and feel free to ask away should you need anything else. Ãà äåæäà ýòî ïîìîãà åò áëà ãîäà ðÃîñòè! Shawn