Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Shawn- If I'd SAID I had a Russian accent and played tennis, I'd have gotten it faster? If only I'd known! But I DID get it- Thank you. BLTN By the way, people mistake me for Cindy Crawford all the time. I'M SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Hey, Tom, I know what you mean. Only we Knoxvillians know the hell of navigating Cumberland Avenue and 17th Street during certain Saturdays every Fall, lol. Doc
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Impressive information. I just need to quit my job and eat a three course meal of vivarin and jolt to wash it down to catch up. Mike G.
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem vivarin is fine - 1.5 every am instead of coffee. jolt - too sweet, lousy aftertaste. preference - mountain dew.... LOL Dogman
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Vivarin ? You can do better than that.... A minimum of two Metab-o-life.....if you really want to get some work done mix two teaspoons of Ephedra powder in a quart of Gatorade...down that with a Red Bull. Have a cold Coke ready for a might need it to ward the sweats off at first. You 'might' be ready for a nap by Friday. Maybe. Shawn
YES - JEDGAR - YOU CARRY A BIG stick around this place. I thought you would list a few more. Doris K had some amusing stories! She had two things she was dealing with - one a daughter who applied every day every hour for new credit cards - the bad ones, and Doris would kill her. #2 were the sweet references Doris made with respect to the chihuahua nextdoor! I believe it was MP$ that saw a man in front of her at Home Depot pay the tab with the first ever SEEN Centurion Card! Someone said to the rich dude, " You sure must be rich to carry I card like that!" The response was, "Yes, I am!" I believe it was Home maybe it was at the Home Depot in Las Vegas! .... so many so many....! The AMAZING THING is how patterns quickly develop on the board. How else could we have nailed Providian? Remember that time period when 100 posts a day were Providian overcharges? CCB - Oh yes..what about their poor victim, er customer, LEN - (who has since overcome CCB) consistently paid them and they threw his checks into the CCB Lake Of Fire! Then the late charges and extra fees added on to the extra fees which.... Yes the board has been and continues to be informative - particularly with sarcastic types like you snapping in dogman
Re: YES - JEDGAR - YOU CARRY A BIG HA!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!! You're gonna go to the grave telling this story, huh? know the REAL STORY DOG.....stop BS'n! ;-) Home Depot.....ha! I love it......don't know how it went from the Build-A-Bear Workshop inside The Aladdin in Vegas to Home Depot but hey.......everytime you tell it I crack up!!! I guess you would have to be a true AMEX fan to appreciate it. Well here's another tidbit for ya: It was rumored that Princess Dianna carried this card! Gee....I wonder if she shopped at Home Depot as well? LOL.....
Re: Faulty Data Doc, You did some interesting work with the statistics you were given by CreditNet, but the original statistics themselves were tainted, I dare say fraudulent. When CreditNet installed its new program, in April 2001 or thereabouts, many of the old records were destroyed due to incompetence. I had amassed over 660 posts at that point, which placed me in the top 10. Now my history reads "250 posts since July 2001," when the actual number would be over 900, and that since May 2000. Not to blame you, Doc. You did the best you could with the fictitious data the CreditNet people chose to present as the truth.
Re: Faulty Data Well thanks for the accolades regardless, RichGuy! I'm certainly sorry you were slighted by the incomplete data. Even at #67 (and clearly your actual spot should be much farther up the list), you're no slacker! Doc
Re: Faulty Data Thanks, Doc. Now if only you could get other stats with it - age, part of country, income (maybe even credit score??!). Most interesting!!
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem I made it on the list!! LoL..To bad i am doing a new job now with 12 hour shifts
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem No internet access at work Bill? I think I would die. I feel so out of touch if I don't have a net connection nearby- of course, that's probably not a good thing....LOL! Shawn
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem No computers are not onlinr only in the big offices..I work for a optic company
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Lord, Bill, no computers at work? I wash my mind with CreditNet at least 3 times a day, LOL... It's my mental floss. Doc
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem LOL......glad to be on a recent post! I check in on an infrequent basis now that I have hit prime...(maybe a separate board for prime posters would be a good idea?) anyway hello to all :~) "So who were the rest of the very earliest CreditNet members? The earliest members sport taglines which read "74 posts since Mar 2000" (using member #1, Alex, as an example). Here's the list of those honored few (in alphabetical order): Alex, Cathy, Chris, Cindy,..."
Re: WHOA: My Study of CreditNet Mem Hey, not a bad idea... a board for "Prime Tips" (not to be confused with a board labeled "Prime Rib Tips" -- perhaps better suited for Doc