Whoooottt New Credit Card!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mongrol, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    Just got a Citibank Platinum Select Upromise card!!!!

    My limit..... $3200 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When the heck did they pull my credit? I just dropped about 40 points due to utilization...

    My utilization will be fixed now as soon as the new credit cards start reporting

    new credit cards not reporting are:

    Amex $600
    Citi- 1000
    citi uppromise- 3200
    Patelco- 3000

    Now is the time for sock drawer for all the rest except 1.

    First National CC- 2500
    Orchard 350
    First Premier- 375
    Plains- 350
    CapitalOne Business- 300
    Aspire- 300
    FNB Marin- 400

    Total Good cards- $10300 total decent cards (with first national)
    Total with bad is $12375 REVOLVING!!

    Amount Owed- 1480 on First National
    394 on the citibank, 184 on first premier

    Total REAL utilization:
    12375/2058= 17%

    Can't wait till they report..!!!!

    Now here is my question... should I do a balance transfer from my First National CC to Citibank? My utilization there is over 50%

    does that make a difference?
  2. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I should also add that I am done applying now...

    I have my amex and a couple decent prime cards... (still shocked)!!

    any recommendation on what to do with the other card where I have to pay monthly charges ect?

    Should I close them? They are not that old...
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    When I hit prime, I closed anything with a low limit and annual fee..............just sit back and let the good stuff age then....oh and a BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!

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