I'm just curious as to how many people spend company time reading this board and fixing their credit? I know I spend WAY too much time here during the day.
Not me - I work from around 3 to midnight, EST, and you won't see me here during those hours unless I'm taking a day off for some reason.
I am...lol. I can justify it though because I'm "doing research" so when one of my bosses takes on a FCRA or FDCPA case, I'll be able to point them in the way that they should go...heeheehee. I usually pop on and off all day. I come in early so I can browse the new messages in the morning and then if I'm not buried, I check in between files. L
I'm at work. More than a few days I've wasted time on here. Mostly though, when I was waiting for something to happen in the office and unable to do anything to profit my employer.
I check in alot. Mostly at home, but at work as well. I think a lot of people these days waste "work" time on the internet for personal reasons. So instead of shopping or browsing my favorite sports site, I come here instead.
I'm on lunch right now and since I never take an hour to eat I don't feel guilty. Nor do I interrupt my work to surf Credit Net. After all, I love my job.
I am on my lunch break too, but I have been guilty of checking in first thing in the morning when I am usually reading all the compnay e-mail.
I'm at work. I sit in front of a computer screen all day so unfortunately 7 of my 8 hours are spent here, reading and researching. 1 hour is spent doing what I have to do. This is a definite issue and I've tried to cut back but it's so hard when there's a new post ever 1-10 minutes
You're fired! I am at work, also. I own one company, so I can do business amost whenever. I do need to be studying more, for my CFP, but this board has alot to do with financial planning. Decent excuse. Charlie
I got scared when I read that. The bank is downsizing and this dept will be notified of whatever "changes" after 1/03. You know what I just realized...I work in "Credit" so I guess I can say that's my excuse
I too stay tuned to CN when I'm at work. I always have it minimized, and sneak peeks when I can. Some days I feel really guilty for spending too much time here, but other days I get involved in a project and don't get a chance to keep track of the new posts.
I'm at work right now, but since I control our network/internet usage here at work, I don't worry about being spied on
I don't have company time. In the mortgage business you are constantly working, besides, I don't draw a salary. So it wouldn't matter anyway.
I spend my time here about 50/50 from work and home. It really depends on how busy my day is going. I don't take lunch at all, and often work late, so anytime I spend here is easily justified as long as it doesn't interfere with my work schedule. My young kids at home take my attention in the evenings, so I often post something before I leave for work and then check it later at night after the kiddies are in bed, so please be patient with my response times!
The MONEY ORDER/MONEY GRAM machine is the only access to the internet...SOME BAD EMPLOYEES HAVE USED IT...but they didn't show me how to access it!!!
I don't work, I go to school, and since I found this site, I have noticed my study time going down. I need to get off the computer but something keeps pulling me back..