Why biz gas cards?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by randian, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. randian

    randian Member

    I thought credit cards of any kind don't report to DnB. Besides, what can I really do with a $1000 Shell account? Gas isn't that expensive...
  2. direct

    direct Well-Known Member

    Biz credit cards do report.

    I was also under the impression they would not report because a D&B rep once told me that. (but now I know D&B reps will tell you almost anything that may or may not be true)

    Biz gas cards are more for a company that may have a fleet of cars/trucks that they need larger credit lines and a way of tracking each vehicles/salesperson expenditures.

    If you have a personal gas card, you may notice that usually the credit lines are very low, like $250 and they would not be suitable for a company.
  3. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    It also keeps the usage away from your personal score.

    Let's say you have a $300 limit and you buy $200 in gas then your Fico will take a hit for being too close to your limit.

    If you have a personal rewards card then you have to decide which is more important.
  4. randian

    randian Member

    Does high utilitization affect Paydex or Experian Biz?
    Don't some of the business cards offer rewards programs?
  5. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Some biz cards offer rewards which is good if you have one.

    Not sure about utilization on Paydex. The limits of biz cards are generally higher so at least that would help.

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