Why can't I post? Where is my activation email?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lisa, Jul 24, 2007.

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  1. lisa

    lisa Administrator

    If you have recently joined our forum and are unable to post, please make sure your registered email account does not forward emails from Creditnet.com to your SPAM or trash box.

    You should receive an activation email upon registering, and if you do not receive it within 5 minutes, your email provider has flagged the activation email as SPAM. Sometimes your provider will block the email altogether without forwarding it to your SPAM or trash box, so please contact them and request that all Creditnet.com emails are delivered to your inbox. We do not participate in any SPAMMING activities whatsoever.

    Another action you can take is to go into your email's options/settings and manually allow all emails from Creditnet.com.

    If your email is with either AOL or Road Runner, please email us directly at webmaster@creditnet.com.

    If after taking these two measures you are still not receiving the activation email, then please email webmaster@creditnet.com.
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