Here's the deal. I applied for an Amex card a few weeks ago. Got denied cause there was some crap on my EQ report that was wrong. I disputed the items and they were removed. I called Amex and told them I wanted to be reconsidered for the card, but didn't want them to pull my report again. They said no problem, just fax us an updated copy of your report. I did that. I found out yesterday I was now approved for the card, as expected. But today when I checked my credit report through EQ I noticed they did another hard inquiry just just the other day. WTF? How should I deal with this? Call Amex? Dispute with EQ? What would I dispute it as? Kevin
be thankful you got the card Amex is a strange bird, there are many places on their website like (Will i be approved?) that will give you a hardon without any notice...
Just DISPUTE it!!! One was enough... If they didn't like the one you gave them...they should have asked you for another one...
Juniper did this to me but when I complained, via e-mail, they agreed to remove the x-tra inquiry and apologized. Interesting thing is that what ended up happening is that the second inquiry was entirely removed and the original was re-coded to an INQ-Juniper which makes it now a soft. Cool, huh?
"INQ" makes it a "SOFT" ??? that's news to me...I was under the impression it had to be AM~PRM~AR to be a "SOFT"...I could be wrong...
So you're saying I should dispute it with EQ? As what? Not a permissable purpose? What eveidence do I have to prove it though? Sounds like it would just be my word against theirs. Any ideas? Kevin
They did the same thing to me last month. Denied in January. Sent in updated report. Then they pulled another without telling me or asking me. That was my 5th inquiry in 4 months and that one alone cost me 14 pts. They refuse to remove it. They are getting a demand letter next week. If no positive response, I will then consider my options.
LKH - how did you go about bringing it up? Did you call Amex after you noticed it and ask them to remove it? Did you send them a letter? Have you tried disputing with the CRA? Kevin
As soon as I saw it I called and spoke to a rep. I got nowhere with her, so I asked for a supervisor, Same result. I also sent a pfb letter. They responded by telling me to call the new accts dep't., which I did and also resulted in no correction.
Ok, I called Amex yesterday and asked them why they had pulled another report. The first supervisor couldn't figure out what was going on, so she sent me over to her supervisor. The supervisor told me that by law, faxing them an updated copy of my credit report, gives them permission to pull another copy of my report. I told her I thought she was just making that crap up, and by law I thought they had to ask my for my permission to pull my report. .
I told her I thought she was just making that crap up, and by law I thought they had to ask my for my permission to pull my report. She really had no answer for that. She told me she'd refer it to her supervisor and that I should give them a call back next week. She keep insisting though that they did nothing wrong and that I probably would not be able to get it removed from my report.
So what should I do now? Dispute it with EQ? Send Amex a letter? Wait and give them a call back next week? I'm going to go senf a PFB right now, but what should my next step be? Thanks, Kevin P.S - sorry for the multiple posts. I've been having some issues with posting this morning.