Why won't the Creditor deal

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bren, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. Bren

    Bren Member

    I got no job,3 $in bank , may have to go on SSI , if no one will hire me.

    they won in court. so I offer to be put on a payment plan. I

    sent my med record prove I am disable, let them know what I got in my accounts.told them I may have to file a BK. the lady said go ahead

    they can go after my asset .I got nothing.I was getting a few bucks from online sells.And money from family. I lots everything when I had my hip replace. ::people save for sickness it it can hit you hard:

    anyone know why they want deal. what can they doi take my 3 bucks

  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    I'm not too clear on your situation, but it sounds like a creditor won a judgment against you and you're worried about what they can do collect. If you have no assets other than $3 in your bank account, then there's not much they can do at this point to collect on the judgment. So, they'll just keep waiting until you do find a job and actually have some wages that they can garnish. And if your only income is SS, I believe it's against the law in every state to garnish that. Judgments don't just go away though...they can linger around for a very long time and are often renewed by the creditor.

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