Will Chase Reconsider?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Dulanic, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    I applied for a Chase card and got declined, my only bad tradeline is a account that got sold off 2 years ago during a period of unemployment, I have 5 open cards all with perfect records. Part of their reason was a currently late account.... I guess their considering a 2 year old sold off account as a currently late account, that seems wrong, so I wondering if they will reconsider.
  2. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Have you looked very, very carefully at your credit report to determine the Date of Last Activity on each TL?

    I took a CLOSE look and discovered an account was re-dated (reaged) as more current, loosing me FICO points.
  3. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Yes last activity was 2 years ago on the one bad item, my score is good, 730 or so.
  4. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    When you say "sold off" are you saying this now is an unpaid CA?
  5. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Will Chase Reconsider?

    The CA it was sold to never validated and never reported it, so they would have no idea what happened with it. It is unpaid, I have no reason to pay it since they refuse to validate it and never reported it.
  6. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    With a score of 730, I'm surprised they are hassling you over this. There has to be part of the story missing here. Have you looked at the same credit report they looked at to see what they are seeing (ie: not assuming that they are seeing a two-year old account).

    Since the CA doesn't show on your report and refuses to validate, have you disputed the OC? At least then it will say disputed on the CR, or best will be deleted.
  7. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Will Chase Reconsider?

    Credit Grantor Contact Information
    Not on record
    Account Number XXXXXXXXXXX
    Account Type Revolving Account
    Credit Limit
    (High Credit) $0
    Minimum Monthy Payment (Terms)
    Date Opened November, 2000
    Date of Last Activity September, 2001
    Date Paid Out September, 2001
    Date Closed June, 2001
    Loan Type Charge Account
    Description Transferred to another lender
    Last Report on March, 2004
    Balance Current status Past Due Amount
    $0 120 days past due $0
  8. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Will Chase Reconsider?

    I called Chase and they said they will reconsider, the guy I talked to was kind of suprised, he said it looks like TU reported incorrect information, but hes unsure. I will be notified within 5 buisness days.
  9. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    THAT is completely weird.

    I'm confident in a positive response soon.
  10. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Will Chase Reconsider?

    Well they approved me, so all is good, they reconsidered my application and approved me for $1500. That hits all my goals now, Providian $5000, BoA $2000, AMEX Blue Cash $2000 and Chase Perfect Card $1500.
  11. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Will Chase Reconsider?

    I guess I wasnt paying attention, it said 120 days past due as the current status, even tho it was marked as transfered in the remarks... TU refused to even look at it saying it was already verified, blah hate this crap, time to fire off a letter.

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