Hello All, I received a letter from a collection agency after sending a DV request, stating " the credit bureaus will be notified to 'DELETE" The above referenced item from your credit disclosure. The collection agency is still reporting to the CRA : Equifax/ Experian, both listing with a balance and status as open on equifax. Should I write them asking them to remove from the CRA and send them a copy of their letter. or just send an ITS notice / MSJ? facts: 1. disputed as not mine (b/c it's not), still reporting 2. item came back verified after they sent me the letter saying they will delete. 3. TL has cause my score to drop. 4. TL was never changed to say "disputed by consumer" Please post any advice and suggested course of action. dell
Dell - send a copy of the letter to each CRA and ask them to delete it. Sometimes OC/CAs only update their files 1 time a month. I've had several take a month at LEAST to get it removed. I resorted to sending a copy of the letter to the CRA and they typically remove it promptly. Do NOT send anything other than their letter of promise to delete and a note to the CRA stating that you are forwarding the correspondence to them and requesting action on the tradeline.
You might also demand that the CA notify the CRA that, since they misidentified you, they pulled your report in error, and that therefore their inquiry should not appear on your credit report viewable to others. This damages your FICO score, although not as much as a bad TL. If you need to go after them, for example, if they don't get it removed in a timely manner, you might as well also hit them with a non-PP complaint. In addition, if you were misidentified once, you might be hit with another round of inquiries and bad TLs if they sell the account to another CA. You might as well start a paper trail with both this CA and the CRA in case you have to get rapid removal in the future, or take action against all parties. If one party can make a 'mistake', its likely that others will also.