WILL DELETE"letter from creditor

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by credit71, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. credit71

    credit71 New Member

    Hello all,
    I'm a newbie here. I ordered all 3 credit reports and I found out that I have 2 fraudulent accounts on all 3 credit reports. So I contacted the creditors and all 3 CRAs. All 3 CRAs added a fraud alert. So in the mean time I received letters from the creditors that they will notify the 3 CRAs to delete these accounts since they aren't mine.

    I have copies of the letters and I was able to fax them in into Equifax and Trans Union fraud dept., and I had to mail the letters to Experian since they don't have a fax. So I followed up with Trans Union and they just told me they verified that the accounts are mine, and they can't use the letters I sent them, because it doesn't have the contact info on the letters.(phone #) The letters are on the creditors letterheads and the letters specifically say you are not being held responsible for this account, and we will notify all 3 CRAs to delete this account. My question is what can I do now? Equifax removed the accounts and I've mailed the letters 3 times to Experian and they don't have them yet and it's been 3 weeks.

    But my big problem is with TU. What should I do?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have you filed a police report? Although you appear to be getting some degree of cooperation from the creditors regarding these accounts, you had better nail down that they are fraudulent with a police report while the creditor records are available to substantiate it.

    Since you have the letters from the creditors, the police report can specifically list the accounts and creditors. That should get you a better reponse from CRAs, since FACTA then places specific requirements on them to remove and block the accounts. If you then get inadequate response from the CRAs, contact your state AG.

    A police report is also wise to prevent some CA coming after you a year or two later if the creditors happen to sell the account, conveniently forgetting it was fraudulent.

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